Economy and Employment

For many people, decent work is still not a reality – in Switzerland as in countries in the global south.
The meaning of work is fundamentally changing at the present time. Developments such as the digital transformation are changing processes, products and services. This influences organisational cultures and work itself. Global production chains and the platform economy are transforming the structures of entire industries.

This change offers opportunities. But it is also a challenge, for decent work and for a dignified life. We design offers to promote youth employment, to generate income and to integrate disadvantaged groups into society.

We advise on the design of labour market systems that are sustainable and inclusive, and we support state and private actors in dealing with them.

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Evaluation of WAPRO-Project implemented by Helvetas

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The Water Productivity Project (WAPRO) is a multi-stakeholder initiative to address water efficiency issues in agriculture which started in 2015 and was implemented in five countries in South and Central Asia and one country in Africa, aspiring to improve the lives of more than 60,000 farmers. In 2022, at the end of the second and final phase of the project, the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) mandated an external evaluation for the expansion period starting in 2018.

KEK – CDC has carried out this complex multi-country & multi-stakeholder evaluation by using three main tools. Firstly, extensive data was collected through an online survey as well as through online interviews with key implementation staff at Helvetas, the WAPRO consortium partners, SDC and other relevant stakeholders. Secondly, a Cost-Benefit Analysis, which had been started after the first phase of the project, was further developed and completed to shine a light on the efficiency of WAPRO. Thirdly, KEK – CDC has collected change and impact-focused stories by using the evaluation approach of Outcome Harvesting to understand what has changed in the different countries and to what extent these developments could be attributed to the project. Finally, Tajikistan and Pakistan were chosen as in-depth case studies, for which the lead evaluator travelled to both countries and carried out focus group discussions and interviews with the actors in the field. This mix of tools and methods allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the project and its impact, and thus a more accurate evaluation.

At the end of the evaluation process, a workshop with the WAPRO team and selected partners and stakeholders was organised. KEK – CDC presented their findings and learnings, together with recommendations for the future, and all parties commented on these findings and validated conclusions and recommendations.

Please find the final report here.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
team  |  Sophie Staheyeff

Sophie Staheyeff

Sophie Staheyeff


Project Appraisal: Employment Perspectives in Georgia

#economy&employment #expertadvice
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In Georgia, the shortage of high skilled labor continues to impede economic development. At the same time, particularly the youth experiences high rates of unemployment and underemployment. Hence, there is a mismatch between labour market needs and labour supply.

Strengthening the Vocational Education Training system is an important leverage point to improve the situation. KEK-CDC has been mandated to assist GIZ in the development of the conception for a bilateral, BMZ and SDC funded project which aims at improving employment perspectives in Georgia, based on the experiences of the preceding regional project PSD-TVET in South Caucasus.

The final concept of the project is based on four pillars. First of all, institutional capacities of the VET sector shall be strengthened. Secondly, the provision of initial training (including dual VET) in selected sectors should be expanded. Furthermore, continuous VET offers and business development services are to be delivered in collaboration of the various institutions. The last pillar consists of the consolidation of the existing business sector structures (including Sector Skills Councils) to represent the interests of the private sector.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler


Projektverlaufsanalyse des Globalvorhabens «Beschäftigung im ländlichen Raum mit Fokus auf Jugendliche»

#economy&employment #analysis
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Das Globalvorhaben “Beschäftigung im ländlichen Raum mit Fokus auf Jugendliche» der GIZ hat zum Ziel, die Ausbildungs- und Beschäftigungssituation im ländlichen Raum zu verbessern. Räumlich ist das Projekt in den vier Partnerländern Mosambik, Burkina Faso, Malawi und Kenia einzuordnen.  

Im Rahmen einer Projektverlaufsanalyse in den vier Ländern wurde KEK-CDC gemeinsam mit JNR Reimers Consulting von der GIZ damit beauftragt, strategische Fragestellungen zu bearbeiten, um Empfehlungen zu konzeptionellen, organisatorischen und strategischen Anpassungen zu geben. Die Struktur der Analyse ist nach den OECD-DAC-Kriterien (Relevanz, Kohärenz, Effizient, Effektivität, Nachhaltigkeit und Impact) aufgebaut. Die empirische Vorgehensweise baut auf einem Methodenmix aus qualitativen und quantitativen Erhebungs- und Bewertungsinstrumenten auf. Neben Dokumentenanalyse wurden von KEK-CDC Einzel- und Gruppeninterviews, Fokusgruppendiskussionen und Validierungsworkshops in Mosambik und Burkina Faso durchgeführt.

Durch die Projektverlaufsanalyse konnten förderliche und hemmende Faktoren für die Zielerreichung identifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse betonen die besonderen Bedarfe von Jugendlichen und Frauen im Arbeitsmarkt der vier Ländern. Zudem zeigen die Resultate die Chancen und Limitierungen eines integrierten, holistischen Ansatzes. Insgesamt gibt das Beratungsteam die Einschätzung ab, dass die Ziele des Projekts trotz erschwerender Kontextfaktoren grösstenteils erreicht werden. Zudem ist der Ansatz des Globalvorhabens kohärent mit dem bestehenden Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit-Portfolio. Die Arbeit endet mit acht Empfehlungen für die zukünftige Entwicklung des Gesamtvorhabens.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz


Évaluation centrale du projet: Innovation, développement économique régional et emploi (IDEE) Tunisie

#économie&emploi #évaluation
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Le projet "Innovation, développement économique régional et emploi", en bref IDEE, a été réalisé par la GIZ en Tunisie. Il visait à aider la Tunisie dans sa transition démocratique, économique et sociale. KEK-CDC a été mandaté pour effectuer l'évaluation finale du projet afin de permettre le lancement d'un projet consécutif en Tunisie.

L’évaluation repose sur une approche combinant des méthodes diverses. Plus précisément, le processus de recherche comprenait des entretiens semi-structurés, des discussions de groupe, des enquêtes en ligne ainsi qu'une mission sur site. Sur cette base, KEK-CDC a extrait plusieurs facteurs de réussite et facteurs d'échec.

En résumé, le projet a engendré des changements positifs et novateurs significatifs dans l'écosystème, même si ces impacts ne sont pas toujours entièrement reflétés par les indicateurs. L'approche participative et fédératrice est le facteur de différenciation décisif. Compte tenu du contexte politique et économique difficile, la mise en œuvre d'activités à trois niveaux (micro, meso, macro) s'est avérée judicieuse. Le projet a fait preuve d'une agilité exceptionnelle et a immédiatement saisi et exploité des opportunités qui se sont présentées. Même si l’Agenda 2030 n’était pas encore en vigueur au début du projet, il peut servir de cadre d’analyse utile pour tirer un certain nombre de conclusions.

Les recommandations formulées par le KEK-CDC ont également contribué à améliorer le projet consécutif. Pour les projets futurs, il est recommandé de rechercher davantage de synergies avec d'autres projets et de se concentrer sur les niches prometteuses.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2013 -

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

Backstopping (strategic and technical support) of SDC in the thematic area of vocational training (VSD)

#education #economy #expertadvice #sdcshareweb
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Within the scope of the mandate, KEK - CDC in partnership with Helvetas, INBAS, PH Zurich and other partners provides strategic and technical consulting services in the field of vocational education and training and related thematic areas for SDC. The services provided include strategic advice, technical expertise, analysis, facilitation and communication. For example, the development of the SDC's education strategy was supported and various technical tools were developed to support portfolio development and management for VET projects.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
team  |  Raphaela Kübler

Consultant, MA International Relations

Raphaela Kübler

+41 44 368 58 51


MA in International Relations, Graduate Institute Geneva
BA in Political Economy, University of Lucerne


South Africa, Zambia, Hong Kong


German, English, French
Raphaela Kübler
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
team  |  Franz Kehl

Franz Kehl

Franz Kehl
2022 - 2023


Training on Youth Employment Promotion in Rural Areas

#economy&employment #expertadvice
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With its professional expertise in the employment and education sector, KEK-CDC contributed key thematic inputs in GIZ’s online training offer on the topic of (youth) employment in rural areas. The online training is tailored according to the needs of GIZ staff invested in projects working in the field of youth employment and sustainable rural development, with a thematic focus on the Agri-Food-Sector.

In both, the English and French training sessions, KEK-CDC experts provided the audience with an overall introduction and statistical data on the characteristics and potentials of rural labour markets as well as of the Agri-Food System. Most importantly, these insights emphasized the role of the agricultural sector in local economies, the important role of women in agricultural sector and the volatility of agri-food export markets. Furthermore, specific rural employment challenges which need adequate solutions, based on a proper analysis of employment opportunities and risks were highlighted and discussed in group sessions.

The Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) hosts these online training sessions approximately every six months, welcoming external participants as well.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2019 - 2022

Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt, Office for International Cooperation (OIC) on behalf of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) 

Strategic and technical backstopping for inclusive green growth in Egypt

#education #economy&employment #regionaldevelopment #expertadvice
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Aligned with the objectives stated in the Swiss Cooperation Strategy Egypt 2017 – 2020, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is contributing to inclusive sustainable economic growth and employment by supporting a project on Inclusive Green Growth in Egypt (IGGE) implemented by UNIDO and steered by the Swiss Office for International Cooperation in Egypt (OIC). 

KEK - CDC (in cooperation with mesopartner) works as strategical and technical backstopper to assist UNIDO in setting-up the project and implementation. Hereby, KEK  -CDC provides advisory support in the field of value chain and market systems development, labour market integration and disaster risk reduction. In addition, KEK - CDC will link the UNIDO team to the related thematic networks within SDC and therefore contribute to the institutional learning within SDC and advise IGGE UNIDO team on meaningful approaches and tools. 
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2021 - 2022

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ 

Project planning: Strong businesses and communities for Moldova

#education #economy #governance
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The Republic of Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe. More than a quarter of the population lives below the absolute poverty line. The population has been shrinking drastically since 1992 as more and more young people seek prospects in Western Europe. In addition, there are widening regional disparities and a pronounced development gap between urban and rural communities. While the reform government elected in 2021 is pushing ahead with the process of rapprochement with the EU, the country is strongly marked by the consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine.

KEK - CDC in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team has planned a new project on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to create socio-economic perspectives for the Moldovan population. The project, financed by the German Federal Government, the EU and Switzerland, will on the one hand promote the citizen-oriented provision of basic services in rural communities and participatory and integrated urban development, and on the other hand contribute to the creation of new jobs in the Republic of Moldova through an interplay of improved vocational training, local economic development and investment promotion. A particular focus was put on the economic integration of disadvantaged population groups, especially Roma and Romnja.

As team leader, Roman Troxler coordinated the work of the five-member interdisciplinary review team in the field and was responsible for drafting the project documents for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on the one hand and for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) on the other. The final project brief can be found on the GIZ website.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2021 - 2022

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Evaluation of Albanian project targeting sustainable economic and regional development, employment promotion and vocational education (ProSEED)

#education #VET #economy&employment #evaluation
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Over the past decade, Albania has seen some positive socio-economic development and made some progress in important reforms for the EU accession, employment promotion being an important reform agenda given the high unemployment rates and outmigration of young people. In this context, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) funded the ProSEED project, which has been running since the beginning of 2017, targeting sustainable economic and regional development, employment promotion and vocational education throughout the country.

KEK – CDC together with a local economic specialist evaluated the 5-year project along the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) evaluation criteria and used both on-site and online data collecting methods. A thorough document analysis of Albanian statistical data and GIZ strategic project documents as well as an on-site inception mission created the basis of the central project evaluation. Interviews and focus group discussions with GIZ staff, lead agencies, headmasters, entrepreneurs, beneficiaries of specific activities and ProSEED programme management were carried out to gather qualitative data on the project’s implementation and impact. Triangled with quantitative data from public statistics and the project monitoring system, the evaluation team developed a comprehensive evaluation report as well as a concise summary of the main findings and recommendations.

KEK – CDC’s work will be used for the development and planning of the GIZ’s next economic development and education project in Albania.
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
2021 - 2022

DROSOS Foundation

Consultancy and process support in setting up a monitoring system in the thematic focus "Economic Self-Reliance" in the programme "Access to the World of Work"

#economy&employment #expertadvice #strategydevelopment #moderation
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The DROSOS Foundation commissioned KEK – CDC in 2021 to accompany them in setting up a meaningful and flexible monitoring system (M&E Framework) in the thematic priority "Economic Self-Reliance" in the programme "Access to the World of Work". This included facilitation of the entire process, but also advice on M&E content and the use of the partner-centred Project Cycle Management (PCM) method Outcome Mapping. A major challenge in the process was to map the monitoring data through an IT-based M&E tool (Toladata), and to ensure the aggregation of the data and the reporting system of the different partner organisations.

Thanks to the fruitful cooperation between KEK – CDC, the DROSOS programme manager and the partner organisations, the M&E framework could be further developed in such a way that it can now be used for monitoring at outcome level and for steering the entire programme.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
2019 - 2022

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

Study for the Design of an Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (Reactivate Sarajevo)

#economy #urbandevelopment #analysis #expertadvice
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Sarajevo is facing a key moment in its trajectory of urban growth and is in urgent need of innovative, integrated and sustainable approaches to urban development. 

Engaged in Sarajevo since late 2014, ETHZ has worked to establish a broader network of partners and knowledge on urban development across the Western Balkans. The planned Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS) builds on the past activities of ETHZ’s After the Scoping Study of ETHZ, SECO mandated KEK - CDC and ENOVA to support in the elaboration of a sound and comprehensive project document.  

The study included a stakeholder analysis and reviewed the overall project relevance, its components, their intervention logic and approach. The support contributed to a clarification of the outputs and roles of the various stakeholders and emphasised measures to enhance capacity development and policy dialogue. The final report can be found here.

As a subsequent mandate and based on the study findings, KEK – CDC coordinated the inception phase of the UTPS, working closely with Swiss and Bosnian partners such as ETHZ, Urbaplan, City of Zurich, ENOVA, and the Institute for Planning of Development in the Canton of Sarajevo.

The project summary developed in this mandate can be found here.
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2019 - 2022


Analysis of regional labour inspection centers and moderation of a participatory strategic development process in Senegal

#economy&employment #analysis #expertadvice #moderation 
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The "Together towards Labour Reform" project, implemented by GIZ, aims to promote labour market governance conducive to sustainable economic development, and to facilitate job creation, particularly for young people. Several components have been developed as part of this approach, including one dedicated to labour inspection, where KEK – CDC is providing support to the GIZ through an analysis of processes and assistance in organisational development.

KEK – CDC, in collaboration with Patrick Bougueliane, was asked to visit and analyse the operation of five of these centers to evaluate the working methods, processes in place and culture present within these centers. The final report was presented, discussed and validated during a participatory workshop with all the labour inspectors and the Directorate General of labour. Following this workshop, action plans and concrete roadmaps for improving the processes were drawn up.

KEK – CDC provided its analytical skills and expertise in moderating and leading workshops, complemented by our external partner's experience in labour inspection. This complementarity was made possible by our solid network of experts, with whom we work closely and frequently.
team  |  Niels Rump

Partner, Agronomist and Biologist

Niels Rump

+41 44 368 58 53


Master of Science in Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Science in Agronomy University of Algarve, Portugal
Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland   

Working Experience

Africa (Benin, Kenia, Mozambique) Asia (China) South-America (Brazil) Europe (Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and Portugal). 

Key Qualifications

  • Adult Training:

Training and coaching of trainers, coordination and designing of training programs, e-learning.

  • Facilitation & participative methods:

Training for facilitators with focus on group performance, strategies and methods, coaching and facilitation of large group events, e-facilitation of platforms and webinars.

  • Organisational development:

Consultancy, coaching and expertise, team coaching, traning and coaching for board members and leaders.

  • Rural extension and advisory:

Methodology, designing training concept, training and coaching of advisors.

  • Business Management:

Strategic planning, HR, marketing, trade logistics, quality management (ISO).

  • Project management:

Training and coaching of project managers, outcome mapping and outcome harvesting.


French, German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Niels Rump
2020 - 2022

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

Evaluation of the 2016-2023 multi-annual programme of the New Regional Policy

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The New Regional Policy (NRP), which came into force in 2008, foresees for the federal government and the cantons to support mountain regions, other rural areas and border regions in their regional economic development. In 2016, the NRP entered its second eight-year funding period and since then has increasingly focused on two funding priorities: Industry and Tourism.

KEK – CDC, in consortium with the Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance of the University of St.Gallen (IMP-HSG) and the communication office sags, was mandated to evaluate the first five years of the NRP multi-year programme 2016-2023. The main objectives of the evaluation were to analyse and assess the conception and implementation of the programme, and to incorporate the findings into the design of the new multi-annual programme 2024-2030.

A wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods were used for the evaluation. Existing documentation was consulted, such as the Federal Law on Regional Policy, progress reports of the implementation programmes and various partial evaluations and studies. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews, focus groups with NRP implementing agencies, an expert panel and an online survey. Five cantonal case studies (AI, FR, GR, JU and VS) were selected to collect specific data and to analyse differences between cantons. The impact model was also revised as a basis for the theory-based evaluation. As the evaluation was conceived as a learning process, a physical learning event was held in August 2021 with participating federal offices and NRP implementing agencies, the results of which were incorporated into the report.

The findings and the final report with infographics in German, French and Italian can be found on the dedicated website.
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
team  |  Niels Rump

Partner, Agronomist and Biologist

Niels Rump

+41 44 368 58 53


Master of Science in Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Science in Agronomy University of Algarve, Portugal
Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland   

Working Experience

Africa (Benin, Kenia, Mozambique) Asia (China) South-America (Brazil) Europe (Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and Portugal). 

Key Qualifications

  • Adult Training:

Training and coaching of trainers, coordination and designing of training programs, e-learning.

  • Facilitation & participative methods:

Training for facilitators with focus on group performance, strategies and methods, coaching and facilitation of large group events, e-facilitation of platforms and webinars.

  • Organisational development:

Consultancy, coaching and expertise, team coaching, traning and coaching for board members and leaders.

  • Rural extension and advisory:

Methodology, designing training concept, training and coaching of advisors.

  • Business Management:

Strategic planning, HR, marketing, trade logistics, quality management (ISO).

  • Project management:

Training and coaching of project managers, outcome mapping and outcome harvesting.


French, German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Niels Rump
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2016 - 2021
Skills for Jobs (S4J) is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Albania implemented by Swisscontact. 

S4J contributes to the development of Albania into a more competitive economy and socially inclusive society, by improving and increasing vocational skills development offers for un- and underemployed women and men in Albania, with a particular focus on youth, allowing them to find an attractive and decent job.  

Franz Kehl of KEK - CDC has co-designed the project on behalf of Swisscontact and acts as a strategic backstopper to the project. Thereby, he moderates annual review and planning meetings and provides regular guidance on key management and thematic issues such as dual VET or the engagement of the private sector on demand of the project.  

Within the framework of this project, numerous study trips were organised with the aim of getting to know the Swiss VET system and its actors. Important findings were then implemented in the S4J project adapted to the local context.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2020 - 2021

Direction du Développement et de la Coopération (DDC), Bureau de coopération de Cotonou

Etude de faisabilité et formulation du programme de développement de l’EFTP dans l’artisanat au Bénin

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L’artisanat béninois continue à faire face à de nombreux obstacles à l'amélioration de sa productivité et de sa compétitivité. Le Gouvernement a décidé d’engager une reforme afin d’augmenter l’accès des apprenants à l’enseignement et la formation techniques et professionnels (EFTP) d'ici 2030 et les métiers de l’artisanat sont des métiers prioritaires.

Dans ce cadre la DDC (Le Bureau de la Direction du Développement et de la Coopération Suisse à Cotonou) a mandaté KEK - CDC pour mener une étude de faisabilité d’un programme de développement de l’EFTP dans l’artisanat au Bénin et soutenir le Gouvernement béninois dans la formulation du programme.

KEK - CDC avec une équipe suisse et béninoise a réalisé un travail d’analyse de la situation actuelle des métiers de l’artisanat et de l’EFTP au Bénin, avec un accent particulier sur la gouvernance du système, et mis en évidence des forces, faiblesses, besoins, opportunités et risques du développement d’un programme de développement de l’EFTP dans l’artisanat. Les données ont été obtenues sur la base de documents, d’entretiens et d’un atelier participatif avec les acteurs du système EFTP artisanat.

Au terme de ce travail un programme a été proposé visant à renforcer l’EFTP dans l’artisanat sur toute la chaine de valeur, en impliquant le secteur privé et en tirant profit des opportunités offertes par les formations de type dual. Afin de permettre une mise en œuvre aisée et saine du programme, deux projets ont été proposés.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard
team  |  Niels Rump

Partner, Agronomist and Biologist

Niels Rump

+41 44 368 58 53


Master of Science in Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Science in Agronomy University of Algarve, Portugal
Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland   

Working Experience

Africa (Benin, Kenia, Mozambique) Asia (China) South-America (Brazil) Europe (Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and Portugal). 

Key Qualifications

  • Adult Training:

Training and coaching of trainers, coordination and designing of training programs, e-learning.

  • Facilitation & participative methods:

Training for facilitators with focus on group performance, strategies and methods, coaching and facilitation of large group events, e-facilitation of platforms and webinars.

  • Organisational development:

Consultancy, coaching and expertise, team coaching, traning and coaching for board members and leaders.

  • Rural extension and advisory:

Methodology, designing training concept, training and coaching of advisors.

  • Business Management:

Strategic planning, HR, marketing, trade logistics, quality management (ISO).

  • Project management:

Training and coaching of project managers, outcome mapping and outcome harvesting.


French, German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Niels Rump

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Projektplanung: Unterstützung von Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsverwaltung in Senegal

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Investitionen und Schaffung von menschenwürdiger Beschäftigung sind in Senegal durch ein veraltetes Arbeitsrecht, dessen uneinheitliche Anwendung sowie mangelhafte Transparenz und Effizienz in der Arbeitsverwaltung, behindert.

Die Modernisierung des Arbeitsrechts ist ein zentrales Ziel der im Rahmen der G20-Initiative Compact with Africa aufgesetzten Reformpartnerschaft zwischen Deutschland und Senegal zur Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für privatwirtschaftliches Engagement, nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung und die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und Einkommen.

Roman Troxler von KEK CDC wurde beauftragt, zusammen mit Fachexperten der GIZ ein Projektmodul für den Reformbereich Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsverwaltung im Senegal zu erarbeiten.

Das 2020 anlaufende Projekt fokussiert auf die Stärkung der Kapazitäten des Arbeitsministeriums zur Steuerung von Reformen, Prozessoptimierungen in den Arbeitsinspektionen, bedarfsorientierte Weiterbildung des Personals der Arbeitsverwaltung und last but not least die Stärkung der Kompetenzen von Arbeitsrichter-innen für eine transparentere Rechtsprechung.

team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Swiss Embassy Bishkek on behalf of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

End of Phase Evaluation of the Project “Promotion of Sustainable Economic Development in Jalal-Abad province", (Kyrgyzstan)

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Since 2016, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) contributes to the Sustainable Economic Development project (phase 1) in the Jalal-Abad province of Kyrgyzstan, which is part of a country-wide programme implemented by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).  

The Swiss funded project implemented by GIZ engages existing service providers while setting-up new and solid structures in better organizing farmers in two specific value chains: vegetable production in Burgondu and dried plum production using an organic certification scheme in Jerge-Tal in Southern Kyrgyzstan.  

In 2019, KEK-CDC was mandated by the Swiss Embassy in Bishkek and conducted an evaluation to assess achievements of the project goals and outcomes in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, impact and sustainability in line with the OECD/DAC guidelines. 

The evaluation report finally provides Swiss development cooperation with an external assessment of the project and some key recommendations for a possible second phase. 
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
2011 - 2019
The Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme (SRCP) has been part of the non-refundable aid offered by the Swiss Federal Council to 12 European member states who joined the EU between 2004 and 2007. Its main goals have been to reduce economic and social disparities between Romania and the more advanced countries of the European Union and between Romanian urban centres and structurally weak peripheral regions. 

KEK - CDC was mandated by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as leader of a consortium* for managing and administrating the two Thematic Funds: “Civil Society Participation” and “Partnership and Expert Fund”. The main goal of the former has been the promotion of active participation of Romanian civil society organisations in policy processes both as a voice of the civil society and as service providers whereas the purpose of the latter has been to strengthen Swiss-Romanian partnerships that are capable to address development challenges.  

In order to compile the achievements of the two Thematic Funds, a website was created with a catalogue of all 141 projects and video/visual products. By February 2018 all projects completed their implementation and closing events took place in Romania as well as in Switzerland. An external final evaluation concluded that the funds were successfully implemented and overall reached the outcomes, namely that citizens’ life changed positively and that the Civil Society’s voice in addressing policy change was strengthened. Yet, the impact at policy level was more difficult to assess. 

* Consortium formed by KEK - CDC, Civil Society Development Foundation and Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Discussion Paper «Pro-Employment Macroeconomic Policies in Partner Countries of German Development Cooperation»

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German development cooperation has committed itself to implementing the global goal for sustainable development "Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all" (SDG 8).

Commissioned by the GIZ Sector Project “Employment Promotion in Development Cooperation”, KEK - CDC issued a discussion paper which aims to provide guidance for activities towards the achievement of SDG 8 by outlining how the employment dimension can be integrated into a comprehensive macroeconomic policy framework of German development cooperation’s partner countries. The paper is based on German development cooperation’s integrated approach towards more and better employment. It focuses on macroeconomic policies and describes how these can be designed to effectively contribute to full and decent employment in developing and emerging economies.

For each policy area, normative messages regarding pro-employment policies are presented, based on theoretical models and practical evidence from emerging and developing country contexts. The paper finally provides German development cooperation with some key recommendations working towards full and decent employment.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Strategiepapiere "Beschäftigungsförderung in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit"

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Die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) hat sich dazu verpflichtet, das achte globale Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung, „Dauerhaftes, inklusives und nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum, produktive Vollbeschäftigung und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle fördern“, in ihren Partnerländern umzusetzen.

Da sich die Ausgangsbedingungen, Potenziale und somit die Strategien für die Entwicklung von Arbeitsmärkten und Beschäftigung jedoch zwischen einzelnen Regionen grundlegend unterscheiden, wurde KEK - CDC von der GIZ mit der Erstellung von drei Inputpapieren zu möglichen Beschäftigungsstrategien in den Ländern Sub-Sahara Afrikas, der MENA Region sowie des Balkans beauftragt.

Die von KEK - CDC erarbeiteten Papiere richten sich in erster Linie an Entscheidungsträger im Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ). Sie sollen strategische Orientierung für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zum Thema geben und insbesondere Möglichkeiten für den Politikdialog sowie Ansatzpunkte für Massnahmen der EZ aufzeigen. Die zentralen Erkenntnisse wurden im Herbst 2019 im BMZ in Berlin und Bonn präsentiert und diskutiert.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

SDC Cooperation Office Kosovo

Mid-Term Review of the "Enhancing Youth Employment Project" in Kosovo

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The overall goal of the Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) project, financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by a Helvetas/Management and Development Associates consortium, is to contribute to a dynamic and socially inclusive labour market that provides more and decent jobs (including self-employment) to young people in Kosovo. 

As the project has reached the second half of its phase two, KEK CDC was commissioned by the SDC Cooperation Office in Kosovo to conduct a mid-term review in order to assess the project‘s progress in relation to the expected outcomes of the phase and to provide recommendations for the remaining two years of the project. Moreover, it was asked to give a preliminary outlook beyond 2020. 

The mid-term evaluation report formulates three strategic and two operational recommendations to SDC and to EYE project team. It has strongly contributed to the reorientation of the project and to important portfolio development considerations of the SDC.  

team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler


Unterstützung bei der Wissenskapitalisierung des MOLI Projects in Georgien

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Das MOLI-Projekt hat erfolgreich während 8 Jahren in der Region Kakheti im Osten Georgiens gearbeitet, um den Marktzugang von Kleinbauern für den besseren Absatz von Produkten aus der kleinbäuerlichen Viehwirtschaft zu verbessern.

KEK - CDC hat das Projekt am Ende der zweiten Phase bei der Wissenskapitalisierung unterstützt, um die konkreten Ergebnisse und Wirkungen der Implementierung gut darstellen zu können – und um das gesammelte Wissen an andere Organisationen weitergeben zu können.

Die Begleitung von KEK - CDC hat dazu beigetragen, dass das Projekt die Ergebnisse sowie die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse in mehrere Lernberichte, Broschüren sowie einen Videofilm überführt hat. Diese Dokumentation der Ergebnisse war insbesondere für die Wissensübergabe an die lokalen Organisationen (z.B. Dairy Association of Georgia, Association of Georgian Agricultural Journalists) von Bedeutung.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Projektplanung: Beschäftigungsförderung in ländlichen Regionen in Tunesien

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Tunesien leidet unter hoher Arbeitslosigkeit, insbesondere unter Jugendlichen, zugleich besteht ein Mangel an adäquat qualifizierten Fachkräften, insbesondere in den Sektoren Handwerk und Landwirtschaft.

Das Vorhaben „Beschäftigungsförderung in ländlichen Regionen“ der GIZ fokussiert darauf, mehr Menschen in ausgewählten ländlichen Regionen einen Zugang zu Qualifizierungs- und Arbeitsmarktdienstleistungen zu ermöglichen. Um zusätzliche Mittel des 2017 vom BMZ geschaffenen Programms „Perspektive Heimat“ nutzen zu können, sollte die Zielgruppe des Projekts auf RückkehrerInnen aus Deutschland und Drittländern ausgeweitet werden. Im Kontext dieser Aufstockung war eine erneute Prüfung des Projektdesigns notwendig, an der Roman Troxler von KEK - CDC sich als externer Experte beteiligte.

Die im Rahmen der Prüfmission gewonnen Erkenntnisse wurden in einem überarbeiteten Angebot ans BMZ (Projektdokument, Wirkungsmatrix) dokumentiert.

team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2010 - 2017

Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA

Backstopping of regional development projects in the new EU states of Eastern Europe ("enlargement contribution")

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Mit dem Erweiterungsbeitrag beteiligte sich die Schweiz am Abbau der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Ungleichheiten in der erweiterten EU. Empfänger sind die zehn Staaten, die am 1. Mai 2004 der Europäischen Union beigetreten sind: die ehemals kommunistischen Länder Mitteleuropas (Polen, Ungarn, Tschechien, Slowakei, Slowenien) und des Baltikums (Estland, Lettland, Litauen) sowie Malta und Zypern.

Die Umsetzung des Erweiterungsbeitrags innerhalb der verfügbaren Zeit war eine Herausforderung sowohl für die Partnerländer wie auch die Schweiz. Aus diesem Grund hat die DEZA die Expertise von KEK - CDC beigezogen. Ziel war es, die diversen Regionalentwicklungsprojekte während der Projektidentifikation und -genehmigung sowie in der Projektumsetzung und -evaluation zu unterstützen.  

KEK - CDC mobilisierte ein Netzwerk von 15 Regionalentwicklungsspezialisten in der Schweiz und vor Ort, mit denen die Planung, Durchführung und Erfahrungskapitalisierung von rund 20 Regionalentwicklungsprojekten in der Tschechischen Republik, Ungarn, Polen und der Slowakei unterstützt wurde. Ein Schlussreview in Polen bilanzierte, dass die Projekte im Bereich Tourismus und bei landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten positive wirtschaftliche und institutionelle Impulse auf lokaler Ebene auslösten, und zwar komplementär zu den grossen EU finanzierten Regionalprogrammen. 

team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher