Peace and Security

Around the world, peace and security are far from guaranteed. They rely on the rule of law, which in turn requires strong institutions, a stable civil society and a just society.
For us, peace and security belong together. Along with them go social development, the coexistence of all and equal opportunities. In more and more contexts this by no means a matter of course.

We are convinced that peace and security can only be achieved if everyone is empowered to participate in society – which implies social development.

This is why we work together with actors in security, peace and development policy, with judicial and security authorities, authorities for the development and use of public space, civil society organisations, foundations, NGOs and development agencies.

We support clients around the world and in Switzerland on questions of peacebuilding and security.
2022 -  2023

FDFA, Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD)

External Evaluation of the FDFA Project: Archives and Dealing with the Past

#evaluation #peace&security
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The project ‘Archives and Dealing with the Past (DwP)’ was launched in 2011 by the Human Security Division (now Peace and Human Rights Division, PHRD) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Archives (SFA). It has been implemented since then by Swisspeace as a mandate of the FDFA (called core mandate in this report) which has been complemented by additional mandates funded to a large extent by the geographical desks of the PHRD. After more than ten years of implementation and in view of the closing of the core mandate at the end of October 2023, the FDFA mandated KEK – CDC to conduct the external evaluation of the project.

The evaluation aims at reviewing the project’s efficiency and management set-up, the project's effectiveness at policy and operational levels and the project’s coherence, as well as at informing on the added value of the project to Switzerland’s profile and to the PHRD’s political engagements in peace processes.

The evaluation is based on different sources of information, including from the FDFA, Swisspeace, experts engaged in the project, beneficiaries of operational support in selected countries and external actors. The data were collected through a review of documentation and semi-structured interviews.

Based on the findings and conclusions, the evaluation team proposed recommendations to the PHRD: namely two recommendations on the future of the collaboration between the PHRD and Swisspeace to ensure a successful continuation of work of both organisations on the topic of archives and DwP and two further recommendations on the support to specific activities on this topic in collaboration with Swisspeace.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2021 - 2022

State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)

reFRONT Project: Analysis of the collaboration of actors in the field of border control

#migration&integration #security #analysis #moderation
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The evaluation of the Integrated Border Management (IBM) 2012 and the development of the IBM 2027 strategy have shown that there is room for improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the forms and structures of cooperation between the Confederation and the cantons. The Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) and the Conference of the Directors of the Cantonal Departments of Justice and Police (CCDJP) have therefore launched a joint project called "reFRONT", which consists of four sub-projects: (1) Training, (2) Processes, infrastructure and technology, (3) Risk analysis, and (4) Policy and governance.

In collaboration with TC Consult, KEK - CDC accompanied the reFRONT project team and the main actors involved in the control of the external borders of the Schengen area in the analysis of the existing structures and processes and in the identification of the potential for improvement of the existing forms of collaboration. The accompanying work took place from September 2021 to June 2022 and was punctuated by workshops with key actors in the four sub-projects mentioned above. These collaborative workshops allowed for a joint reflection on the current situation, the challenges and opportunities encountered as well as to identify concrete initiatives for improvement.

On the basis of these workshops and an analysis of central documents, the consulting team prepared a final report in German, translated into French, detailing the results obtained. In addition to a brief analysis of the current situation and the identification of potential for improvement in support and governance processes, new forms of collaboration are highlighted and recommendations for their implementation are formulated.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard

City of Geneva

Evaluation of the partnership between the City of Geneva and the Martin Ennals Foundation in the organisation of the Martin Ennals Award ceremony

#peace #evaluation
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The Martin Ennals Award, created in 1993 by the Martin Ennals Foundation, has been awarded in Geneva since 1999 to human rights defenders for their outstanding work. Since 2008, the City of Geneva and the Martin Ennals Foundation have been associated in the organisation of the award and this collaboration has been the subject of several partnership agreements.

The City of Geneva has mandated KEK - CDC to carry out an evaluation of the partnership between the City and the Foundation in the context of the organisation of the award ceremony. This evaluation focuses on the editions from 2019 to 2022, analyses the context in which this partnership takes place and aims on the one hand to assess the commitment of the City of Geneva and the coherence of the partnership and on the other hand to assess the contribution of this commitment to the objectives of the partnership and to the City's human rights promotion priorities.

The evaluation was carried out using a literature review, semi-structured interviews with key actors from the City, the Foundation and external stakeholders, a group interview with the member associations of the Martin Ennals Award Jury, an online survey of those who received the 'Save the Date' for the 2021 edition of the ceremony and observations of the 2019-2022 ceremonies. The final report proposes, based on the results and conclusions, nine recommendations for the City of Geneva at the strategic level of the City, at the level of the partnership between the City and the Foundation and at the level of the organisation of the Martin Ennals Award ceremony.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2020 - 2021
For several years, the GIZ (deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) has been implementing a program to strengthen police structures in Africa and thereby contribute to regional and national stability. The program is active in several countries, including Benin, where it aims to support the Beninese Republican Police and its Technical and Scientific Police Service.

KEK - CDC carried out on behalf of GIZ a diagnosis of the Technical and Scientific Police Service at institutional, functional and organizational level and proposed recommendations for improvement accompanied by an implementation plan. This work was carried out on the basis of a documentary review and a series of interviews with key actors at the level of the police, the judiciary as well as at the ministerial and political levels and with technical and financial partners. Feedback from various perspectives made it possible to analyze not only the Service, its infrastructure, its human resources and the work carried out, but also the context in which this Service is inserted and must serve.

On the basis of the proposals and recommendations made, the GIZ decided to continue its support in order to strengthen the knowledge, skills and internal procedures of the Technical and Scientific Police Service in identifications based on digital traces, examinations of disputed documents and analyses of digital traces. KEK - CDC in collaboration with the School of Criminal Sciences of the University of Lausanne developed training modules and coaching sessions which were then delivered remotely due to COVID-19 during the first quarter of 2021 and enabled the Service to develop a set of internal working procedures laying the foundations for a quality approach.

Have a look at the GIZ’s project description here.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Apport à la finalisation juridique et rédactionnelle des statuts du Réseau de Police Scientifique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (REPSAO)

#security #expertadvice
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Suite à un processus consultatif intensif soutenu par la GIZ (deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) ainsi que de l’ONUDC, le Réseau de Police Scientifique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (REPSAO) a été établi en 2019 à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire par les institutions de polices techniques et scientifiques de plusieurs pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest.

Magali Bernard a été impliquée de longue date dans les échanges entre institutions de police technique et scientifique et laboratoires en Afrique de l’Ouest. KEK - CDC a été mandaté par la GIZ et a accompagné le secrétariat par interim du REPSAO dans le processus de finalisation de son statut en anglais, français et portugais. Ce travail s’est concentré sur le contenu et la cohérence juridique du texte dans une première phase puis les parties prenantes aux statuts ont été consultées et leurs retours reflétés dans les versions finales.

Ce statut finalisé dans les trois langues permettra au Réseau de débuter officiellement ses activités.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard

Eidgenössische Finanzkontrolle

Audit Subventionsvergaben der Abteilung Menschliche Sicherheit (AMS/EDA)

#governance #peace&security #analysis
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Die Abteilung Menschliche Sicherheit (AMS) ist Teil des Eidgenössischen Departementes für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) und für die Förderung des Friedens und der Menschenrechte zuständig und ist weltweit in diversen Konfliktgebieten u.a. in der Konfliktprävention und -mediation tätig.  

Die Eidgenössische Finanzkontrolle (EFK) hat KEK-CDC beauftragt, einen Audit über die Vergabepraxis von Unterstützungsbeiträgen und Aufträgen durchzuführen. Der Audit hatte zum Zweck, die Prozesse, Instrumente und Ressourcen der verschiedenen Massnahmen zur Förderung des Friedens und der menschlichen Sicherheit zwischen 2012 und 2017 bezüglich ihrer Effizienz und Effektivität zu bewerten. Insgesamt hat die AMS in dieser Periode zur Förderung des Friedens und der menschlichen Sicherheit 2'407 Verträge mit einem Finanzvolumen von CHF 297,8 Mio. abgeschlossen. 

In der Analyse ging es insbesondere darum, die Vergabepraxis von Dienstleistungsaufträgen, Projektbeiträgen sowie Kernbeiträgen an Organisationen zu analysieren. Darüber hinaus wurden die Koordination innerhalb der AMS, mit anderen Bundesämtern und mit anderen Gebern sowie der intrainstitutionelle Wissenstransfer analysiert und bewertet. 

Der Bericht empfahl die Evaluations- und Controllingpraxis der Projekte zu verstärken. Er folgerte auch, dass grössere Projekte dem Ziel einer effizienteren Umsetzung nicht dienlich wären, weil die AMS Projekte in fragilen Kontexten sowieso schon grossen politische Risiken ausgesetzt sind und eher der Vertrauensbildung dienen.  
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey