Health and Social Policy

All people participate in society. They cocreate it, flourish, and realise themelves. Granted, this is a noble goal – but also a strong stimulus for change.
Wherever they live, men and women, rich and poor, young and old – everyone should be able to participate equally in society. This is a principle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

That is why balancing measures are needed to improve the position of those who have little, and to open up opportunities. In Switzerland we work with the social security institutions, the various social insurance companies, politicians and aid organisations – on measures for today and on concepts for tomorrow.

Internationally, we are involved in projects to integrate marginalised groups, support innovative measures and develop progressive policies. Such assignments lead us into situations that are often very different from those in Switzerland. We consider this experience valuable for all of our assignments.
2020 - 2024

Health Promotion Switzerland

Evaluation of the project ZigZag Plus - visibility and support for children of parents with fragile mental health

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The ZigZag Plus project, a project supported by Health Promotion Switzerland during the years 2020 to 2023 and implemented by the As'trame Foundation, aims to develop in four cantons (Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais and Vaud) a support system for children whose parents are affected by fragile mental health or addiction. KEK - CDC and the Graduate Institute of Public Administration (Institut de hautes études en administration publique (IDHEAP)) from the University of Lausanne were commissioned to carry out an evaluation.

The evaluation has a dual purpose, providing a basis for project management and quality assurance during the implementation of the project on the one hand, and drawing lessons regarding the achievement of the project's objectives and its effectiveness on the other. The methods used are qualitative and quantitative, including a literature review and secondary data analysis, interviews with experts and As'trame staff, several validation workshops and an online survey.

The results of the multi-year evaluation are shared with As'trame and Health Promotion Switzerland throughout the mandate in the form of a presentation as well as a written interim report. A brief summary of the results so far can be found in the annual reports of the Health Promotion Switzerland's evaluations and monitoring studies for 2020 and 2021 (documents available in French and in German).
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
team  |  Sophie Staheyeff

Sophie Staheyeff

Sophie Staheyeff
2022 2023


Kompetenzzentrum Tabakprävention – Evaluation Zyklus 1

#evaluation #gesundheit&sozialpolitik
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Das Kompetenzzentrum Tabakprävention wird von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tabakprävention Schweiz (AT) geführt. Der Tabakpräventionsfonds (TPF) finanziert Leistungen des Kompetenzzentrums in den Geschäftsfeldern Advocacy, Kommunikation, Wissensmanagement sowie Koordination und Vernetzung im Rahmen eines Dienstleistungsvertrages 2021 bis 2026.

Der TPF hat KEK – CDC beauftragt, das Kompetenzzentrum Tabakprävention zu evaluieren. Die Evaluation ist formativ ausgerichtet und hat zum Ziel, Grundlagen für allfällige Optimierungsmassnahmen zu liefern; namentlich zur Steuerung des Kompetenzzentrums durch den TPF und zur Aufgabenerfüllung des Kompetenzzentrums. Das methodische Vorgehen umfasste eine ausführliche Dokumentenanalyse und Interviews mit insgesamt 27 Personen von 22 Tabakpräventions-, Sucht- und Gesundheitsorganisationen.

Die Evaluation stellt fest, dass der TPF zur Steuerung zweckmässige Instrumente einsetzt. Optimierungsbedarf ortet die Evaluation bei der jährlichen Vereinbarung von Output-Zielen. Weiter zeigt die Evaluation auf, dass die Angebote des Kompetenzzentrums die Hauptzielgruppen – die Tabakpräventions- und Suchtakteure – erreichten und von diesen grossmehrheitlich als relevant, nützlich und fundiert bewertet wurden. Als speziell wichtige Beispiele wurden etwa die Musterantworten bei Vernehmlassungen, die gemeinsamen Positionspapiere, die Webseite der AT oder auch die Newsbeiträge und Fakten-/Infoblätter genannt. Die etablierten Zusammenarbeitsgefässe – die Arbeitsgruppe Advocacy, die AT-Tagung und die AT-Foren – wurden in den Interviews ebenfalls mehrheitlich positiv beurteilt. Deutlichen Optimierungsbedarf stellt die Evaluation bezüglich der Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Advocacy und Kommunikation fest. Dabei zeigte sich auch, dass seitens der interviewten Akteure ein Bedürfnis nach einer stärkeren Zusammenarbeit besteht.

Die Evaluation formuliert Empfehlungen zur Steuerung des Kompetenzzentrums durch den TPF, zur Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Kompetenzzentrum und den Tabakpräventions-, Sucht- und Gesundheitsakteuren sowie zu den Geschäftsfeldern Advocacy, Kommunikation, Wissensmanagement, Koordination und Vernetzung.
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2021 - 2022

Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)

Feasibility study to evaluate the new regulation of psychological psychotherapy

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On 1 July 2022, the new regulation of psychological psychotherapy (NPP) came into force: Licensed psychotherapists can independently bill the compulsory health insurance for their services on the basis of this regulation, if the treatment was ordered by an authorised doctor. The implementation and impact of the NPP is expected to be evaluated in the years 2024-2025.

In preparation for the evaluation, KEK – CDC in collaboration with the Institute of Political Science at the University of Zurich, was commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) to develop an impact model for the NPP.

The development of the impact model was based on a document analysis, interviews with key actors and two workshops with the FOPH's internal support group. The impact model is to serve as a basis for the future evaluation and for the conception of the NPP monitoring.

Report + impact model
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey

Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) 

Evaluation des Wirkungsgeflechts der Schweizerischen Koordinations- und Fachstelle Sucht «Infodrog»

#evaluation #gesundheit&sozialpolitik
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Das Betäubungsmittelgesetz hält fest, dass das Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) eine Dokumentations-, Informations- und Koordinationsstelle betreibt. Diese Schweizerische Koordinations- und Fachstelle Sucht «Infodrog» wird seit 2009 und bis 2029 von der Gesundheitsstiftung Radix geführt. Die Aufgabenbereiche und Leistungen von Infodrog sind in einem Rahmenvertrag 2020-2029 festgelegt. Das BAG hat KEK – CDC mit der formativen Evaluation der Tätigkeiten von Infodrog beauftragt. Die Evaluation hatte zum Ziel, Entscheidungsgrundlagen für allfällige Optimierungs- und Innovationsmassnahmen bei der Aufgabenerfüllung von Infodrog zu liefern. 

Die Evaluation untersuchte die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Infodrog und relevanten Akteuren, beurteilte die Dienstleistungen und ermittelte den Beitrag von Infodrog zur Zielerreichung der Nationalen Strategie Sucht. Sie beantwortete auch die Frage nach allfälligem Optimierungs- und Innovationspotenzial.  

Die Evaluation umfasste einen Methodenmix. Zu den eingesetzten Methoden gehören eine Dokumentenanalyse, leitfadengestützte Interviews, eine Online-Umfrage mit Sucht- und Präventionsfachleuten sowie zwei Fokusgruppen, um die Perspektive der Betroffenen und Angehörigen zu berücksichtigen.  

Die Evaluation stellt fest, dass Infodrog als nationale Koordinations- und Fachstelle einen wesentlichen, kohärenten Beitrag zu den vier übergeordneten Zielen der Nationalen Strategie Sucht leistet. Weiter zeigt die Evaluation auf, dass Infodrog bei der Leistungserbringung systematisch auf Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung setzt und Synergien nutzt. Die Interviews und die Online-Befragung belegen, dass die Fachleute im Feld die Angebote von Infodrog kennen und schätzen. Sie beurteilen die Zusammenarbeit mit Infodrog mehrheitlich positiv. Optimierungsbedarf ortet die Evaluation bei der strategischen Ausrichtung der Leistungen von Infodrog und in der strategischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den grossen Partnerorganisationen. Zudem könnte Infodrog verstärkt Innovationen fördern und begleiten; dies gilt speziell für den Bereich Schadensminderung und Risikominimierung. Die Evaluation formuliert zu diesem Optimierungsbedarf insgesamt neun Empfehlungen.

Die Executive Summary finden Sie hier, während der Link zum Evaluationsbericht hier verfügbar ist.
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
team  |  Sophie Staheyeff

Sophie Staheyeff

Sophie Staheyeff
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG)

Evaluation des Nationalen Programms HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) – Verlängerung 2018-2021

#evaluation #gesundheit
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Die Schweiz bekämpft HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (STI) seit dem Jahr 2011 mit dem Nationalen Programm HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS). KEK – CDC hat im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit (BAG) die Verlängerung des NPHS 2018 bis 2021 evaluiert. 

Die Evaluation fragt u.a. nach der Erreichung der vier Oberziele sowie nach Erfolgen, Misserfolgen und allfälligen Lücken im NPHS. KEK – CDC stützte sich zur Beantwortung der Evaluationsfragen massgeblich auf bestehende Grundlagen und führte dazu eine Dokumenten- und Sekundärdatenanalyse durch. Ergänzend realisierte KEK – CDC Interviews mit zentralen Akteuren des NPHS und führte ein Online-Panel mit fünf internationalen Expertinnen und Experten durch. 

Die Evaluationsergebnisse sollen dem BAG als Grundlage bei der Erarbeitung des Nachfolgeprogramms dienen. Dazu formuliert KEK – CDC Empfehlungen zur strategischen Ausrichtung, zur Konzeption und Organisation sowie zu den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten des Folgeprogramms
Das Pflichtenheft zur Evaluation findet sich auf der Webseite des BAG. Weitere Informationen folgen nach der Publikation des Evaluationsberichts. KEK – CDC hat dieses Mandat im September 2022 abgeschlossen. 
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard
team  |  Sophie Staheyeff

Sophie Staheyeff

Sophie Staheyeff
2020 - 2021

Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)

Situation analysis of heroin-assisted treatment (HeGeBe)

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Heroin-assisted treatment (HeGeBe) is aimed at persons with a severe heroin addiction and is regulated in the revised Narcotics Law, which has been in force since 1 July 2011. KEK - CDC conducted a situation analysis on HeGeBe on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

The aim of the situation analysis was to provide relevant knowledge about the status of HeGeBe, to identify challenges and to point out any potential for optimisation. KEK - CDC used quantitative and qualitative methods, including a document analysis, a standardised online survey of HeGeBe implementation actors and other actors from the addiction field, visits to HeGeBe centres, guideline-based interviews with HeGeBe centre managers and experts, an analysis of the residence data of HeGeBe patients and interviews with affected persons.

The situation analysis formulates two main conclusions: (1) In order to optimise HeGeBe, a revision of the legal provisions is needed. (2) The experiences with the COVID-19 measures should be used in the revision and further development of HeGeBe.

You can find the final report here (in German, with an Executive Summary in French).
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)

Development of the impact model for the Federal Law on the Psychological Professions

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The Federal Law on the Psychology Professions (PsyG) entered into force on 1 April 2013. The PsyG aims both to protect public health and to protect against the deception and misleading of persons seeking services in the field of psychology. On behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), KEK - CDC and the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich (IPZ) have developed an impact model for the law and defined key indicators to serve as a basis for the evaluation of the law.

KEK - CDC and the IPZ conducted a document analysis, interviews with key actors and a workshop with stakeholders of the planned evaluation. At the request of the client, they developed a three-layer impact model: (1) an impact model of the PsyG illustrating the basic logic of the PsyG, (2) a detailed impact model concretizing the expected causal relations, and (3) an abstract impact model briefly provides a concise overview of the PsyG's mechanism.

Report + impact model
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
2019 - 2020
HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten (sexually transmitted infections – STI) sind nach wie vor ein relevantes Problem der öffentlichen Gesundheit. Ihre Prävention wird im Kanton Zürich von zahlreichen staatlichen und nicht-staatlichen Akteuren finanziert und erbracht.

Die Gesundheitsdirektion des Kantons Zürich und das Gesundheits- und Umweltdepartement der Stadt Zürich beauftragten KEK - CDC die Finanzierungssituation der HIV/SIT-Prävention im Kanton Zürich zu analysieren.

In der Studie haben wir untersucht, in welchem Umfang staatliche Stellen die HIV/STI-Prävention im Kanton Zürich im Jahr 2018 finanzierten. Zudem haben wir detailliert erfasst und analysiert, wie viele Ressourcen (staatliche Gelder und eigene Mittel) die Organisationen im Kanton Zürich für die unterschiedlichen Bereiche der HIV/STI-Präventionsarbeit im Jahr 2018 einsetzten.

Damit liefert die Studie den Verantwortlichen des Kantons und der Stadt Zürich sowie der kantonalen Kommission für HIV und andere sexuell übertragebare Krankheiten relevante Steuerungsinformationen.
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
2011 - 2019
The Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme (SRCP) has been part of the non-refundable aid offered by the Swiss Federal Council to 12 European member states who joined the EU between 2004 and 2007. Its main goals have been to reduce economic and social disparities between Romania and the more advanced countries of the European Union and between Romanian urban centres and structurally weak peripheral regions. 

KEK - CDC was mandated by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as leader of a consortium* for managing and administrating the two Thematic Funds: “Civil Society Participation” and “Partnership and Expert Fund”. The main goal of the former has been the promotion of active participation of Romanian civil society organisations in policy processes both as a voice of the civil society and as service providers whereas the purpose of the latter has been to strengthen Swiss-Romanian partnerships that are capable to address development challenges.  

In order to compile the achievements of the two Thematic Funds, a website was created with a catalogue of all 141 projects and video/visual products. By February 2018 all projects completed their implementation and closing events took place in Romania as well as in Switzerland. An external final evaluation concluded that the funds were successfully implemented and overall reached the outcomes, namely that citizens’ life changed positively and that the Civil Society’s voice in addressing policy change was strengthened. Yet, the impact at policy level was more difficult to assess. 

* Consortium formed by KEK - CDC, Civil Society Development Foundation and Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
2018 - 2019

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Global Programme Health

External Evaluation of Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package

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The efforts made to scale-up malaria control measures, have reduced the number of malaria cases and especially the number of malaria deaths. Still, around 220 million people fall ill of malaria annually and 435’000 people, mostly in Africa, die because of the disease.  

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is supporting malaria control efforts through various contributions (e.g. to the WHO and the Medicine for Malaria Venture), the SDC Global Programme and at country level. Since 2013, SDC has mandated the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute with the implementation of the Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package (GlobMal). This aims to strengthen WHOs normative role, to support working groups as multi-stakeholder platform and capacity development for malaria experts. The purpose of the evaluation made by KEK CDC was to assess the results and the institutional set-up of GlobMal.  

KEK CDC concluded that GlobMal support provided to the Roll Back Malaria Initiative has been relevant in general, very effective and efficiently managed while impact was difficult to gauge and sustainability was found to depend on the role of the different working group leaders.

team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
2018 - 2019

Bundesamt für Gesundheit

Evaluation of the National Dementia Strategy 2014-2019

#health&socialpolicy #evaluation
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The Confederation and the cantons implemented the "National Dementia Strategy" (NDS) in 2014-2019 with the aim of reducing the burden associated with dementia and promoting the quality of life of those affected.

The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) commissioned KEK - CDC (management and main responsibility) together with B,S,S. Volkswirtschaftliche Beratung in 2018 to conduct an external evaluation. The aim of the evaluation was to provide a decision-making basis for further action in the field of dementia after 2019.

As part of the evaluation, KEK - CDC together with B,S,S, examined the implementation of the NDS projects and the effects of the NDS among the actors who are active at the cantonal level in the field of dementia care. Based on the evaluation results, we recommended that the FOPH and the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Health Directors should continue their joint commitment in the field of dementia and renew the strategic foundations.  

Executive Summary
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
2017 - 2019

Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG

Evaluation of the Human Research Act

#socialpolicy #evaluation
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The Human Research Act (HRA) has been in force since January 1, 2014 and aims to protect human beings in research. In addition, it is intended to create favorable framework conditions for human research and to help ensure the quality and transparency of human research.

In order to take initial stock of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the HRA five years after its entry into force, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) commissioned the Institute of Political Science at the University of Zurich and KEK - CDC to evaluate the HRA. As part of the evaluation, we considered the perspectives of stakeholders in human research, used a variety of methods, and analyzed extensive data. 

We found that the enforcement of the HRA is basically appropriate and that the approval procedures for human research projects are proving successful. Based on survey and interview data, we concluded that the protection of research participants has been strengthened by the HRA. However, we identified some potential for optimization and formulated recommendations accordingly.
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
2016 - 2017


Berufsfeld- und Bedarfsanalyse zweijährige berufliche Grundbildung für den Kinderbereich

#education #socialpolicy #analysis
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Im Rahmen der Entwicklung der zweijährigen beruflichen Grundbildung „Assistent/in Gesundheit und Soziales“ (EBA AGS) wurde 2008 von einem eidgenössischem Berufsattest für den Kinderbereich abgesehen. Auf Antrag verschiedener Seiten und im Kontext der damals bevorstehenden Revision des EBA AGS wurde eine neuerliche Abklärung des Anliegens durch den Vorstand von SAVOIRSOCIAL beauftragt. 

Ziel der Analyse war eine ergebnisoffene Prüfung des Anliegens, basierend auf aktuellen Grundlagen und unter Einbezug sämtlicher Akteure. Zu diesem Zweck führte KEK - CDC eine Analyse der Ausgangslage durch, führte Experteninterviews und partizipative Workshops durch.   

Die Ergebnisse der Analyse zeigten die sehr kontroverse Diskussion des Themas auf und wiesen auf einen Bedarf nach weiterführenden Abklärungen hin. Sie erlaubten dem Vorstand von SAVORISOCIAL einen fundierten Entscheid zum weiteren Vorgehen zu fällen.  
2010 - 2017

Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA

Backstopping of regional development projects in the new EU states of Eastern Europe ("enlargement contribution")

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Mit dem Erweiterungsbeitrag beteiligte sich die Schweiz am Abbau der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Ungleichheiten in der erweiterten EU. Empfänger sind die zehn Staaten, die am 1. Mai 2004 der Europäischen Union beigetreten sind: die ehemals kommunistischen Länder Mitteleuropas (Polen, Ungarn, Tschechien, Slowakei, Slowenien) und des Baltikums (Estland, Lettland, Litauen) sowie Malta und Zypern.

Die Umsetzung des Erweiterungsbeitrags innerhalb der verfügbaren Zeit war eine Herausforderung sowohl für die Partnerländer wie auch die Schweiz. Aus diesem Grund hat die DEZA die Expertise von KEK - CDC beigezogen. Ziel war es, die diversen Regionalentwicklungsprojekte während der Projektidentifikation und -genehmigung sowie in der Projektumsetzung und -evaluation zu unterstützen.  

KEK - CDC mobilisierte ein Netzwerk von 15 Regionalentwicklungsspezialisten in der Schweiz und vor Ort, mit denen die Planung, Durchführung und Erfahrungskapitalisierung von rund 20 Regionalentwicklungsprojekten in der Tschechischen Republik, Ungarn, Polen und der Slowakei unterstützt wurde. Ein Schlussreview in Polen bilanzierte, dass die Projekte im Bereich Tourismus und bei landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten positive wirtschaftliche und institutionelle Impulse auf lokaler Ebene auslösten, und zwar komplementär zu den grossen EU finanzierten Regionalprogrammen. 

team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher