Expert advice

We offer specialist advice, studies, expert opinions and training in our focus areas.
We are expert in the following eight topics and offer professional advice, reports and studies as well as training and coaching in: 
  • Education and Vocational Training
  • Economy and Employment
  • Migration and Integration
  • Administration, Urban and Regional Development
  • Health Policy
  • Social Policy
  • Peace and Security
  • International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Peacebuilding
We offer five service areas. Depending on your needs, we provide these individually or in combination: 
  • Analysis
  • Expert advice
  • Development of organisations, strategies and projects
  • Moderation
  • Evaluation
For example, we teach in vocational training, evaluation, project management and peace and security at several colleges and universities in Switzerland. As experts, we advise a federal agency on how to design and carry out evaluations.
2019 -


Knowledge Transfer from Vocational Training in Switzerland

#education #expertadvice
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Swisscontact facilitates knowledge transfers between Switzerland and various countries whose educational systems are undergoing vast changes. Swisscontact projects from different countries (Albania, Kenya and others) have mandated KEK-CDC with the co-organization of several “Exposure visits” during which the Swiss dual Vocational Education Training (dVET) system is presented.

The objective of all these tours was that participants gain a better understanding of the fundamental principles of the Swiss dVET system and how it functions. To bring these concepts closer to the visiting delegation, amongst them high-level partners, KEK-CDC invites representatives of companies, schools and government agencies to give speeches and workshops. The provision of training places by the private sector, the coordination among the three training places, the career counselling services, the matching processes and the design and implementation of school curricula have always been of special interest.

After the study tour, the participants have an idea of what should and could be adapted from the Swiss model to their local context and what the key requirements for a successful implementation are. In addition, the study tours serve as platforms to establish contacts and discuss twinning possibilities on an informal level.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
team  |  Niels Rump

Partner, Agronomist and Biologist

Niels Rump

+41 44 368 58 53


Master of Science in Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Science in Agronomy University of Algarve, Portugal
Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland   

Working Experience

Africa (Benin, Kenia, Mozambique) Asia (China) South-America (Brazil) Europe (Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and Portugal). 

Key Qualifications

  • Adult Training:

Training and coaching of trainers, coordination and designing of training programs, e-learning.

  • Facilitation & participative methods:

Training for facilitators with focus on group performance, strategies and methods, coaching and facilitation of large group events, e-facilitation of platforms and webinars.

  • Organisational development:

Consultancy, coaching and expertise, team coaching, traning and coaching for board members and leaders.

  • Rural extension and advisory:

Methodology, designing training concept, training and coaching of advisors.

  • Business Management:

Strategic planning, HR, marketing, trade logistics, quality management (ISO).

  • Project management:

Training and coaching of project managers, outcome mapping and outcome harvesting.


French, German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Niels Rump
team  |  Dragana Matic

Administration, accounting

Dragana Matic

+41 44 368 58 52

Fields of activity

Administration, accounting

Working experience

USA, Canada


German, English, Serbian

Dragana Matic
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2013 -

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

Backstopping (strategic and technical support) of SDC in the thematic area of vocational training (VSD)

#education #economy #expertadvice #sdcshareweb
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Within the scope of the mandate, KEK - CDC in partnership with Helvetas, INBAS, PH Zurich and other partners provides strategic and technical consulting services in the field of vocational education and training and related thematic areas for SDC. The services provided include strategic advice, technical expertise, analysis, facilitation and communication. For example, the development of the SDC's education strategy was supported and various technical tools were developed to support portfolio development and management for VET projects.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
team  |  Raphaela Kübler

Freelance, MA International Relations

Raphaela Kübler

+41 44 368 58 51


MA in International Relations, Graduate Institute Geneva
BA in Political Economy, University of Lucerne


South Africa, Zambia, Hong Kong


German, English, French
Raphaela Kübler
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
team  |  Franz Kehl

Franz Kehl

Franz Kehl


Economic and Financial Analysis (EFA) Skills Development Programme (SDP)

#education #analysis #expertadvice
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Swisscontact has mandated KEK-CDC with an in-depth economic analysis of its Skills Development Programme (SDP), implemented jointly with Involas. The SDP aims at improving the income and employment opportunities for young professionals in Cambodia and is funded by the SDC. To ensure accountability and transparency, cost awareness and value-for-money project results are central to the SDC’s and Swisscontact’s task.

To fulfil its objective, the Skill Development Programme identifies four core intervention areas of which two were assessed by KEK-CDC. With the tool of an economic analysis, KEK assessed the efficiency of the project in terms of its contribution to the economic and social welfare in a country. The quantitative analysis was based on a classical economic Cost-Benefit Analysis. More precisely, KEK-CDC measured benefits such as the net additional income per year and the amount of employed graduates for three different scenarios.

Based on the EFA analysis, KEK-CDC concluded that the Skill Development Programme shows promising results. In both areas of intervention, the benefits outweighed the costs of the project as shown by the internal rate of return, calculated on the basis of the monetizable benefits. However, the COVID pandemic was considered to have limited the positive impact. Nonetheless, the target values of the program were projected to be overachieved. Additional, non-monetizable benefits were identified which contribute to the overall value of the program. To conclude KEK-CDC expects the SDP to show very promising results at the end of the current project phase.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
team  |  Raphaela Kübler

Freelance, MA International Relations

Raphaela Kübler

+41 44 368 58 51


MA in International Relations, Graduate Institute Geneva
BA in Political Economy, University of Lucerne


South Africa, Zambia, Hong Kong


German, English, French
Raphaela Kübler


Project Appraisal: Employment Perspectives in Georgia

#economy&employment #expertadvice
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In Georgia, the shortage of high skilled labor continues to impede economic development. At the same time, particularly the youth experiences high rates of unemployment and underemployment. Hence, there is a mismatch between labour market needs and labour supply.

Strengthening the Vocational Education Training system is an important leverage point to improve the situation. KEK-CDC has been mandated to assist GIZ in the development of the conception for a bilateral, BMZ and SDC funded project which aims at improving employment perspectives in Georgia, based on the experiences of the preceding regional project PSD-TVET in South Caucasus.

The final concept of the project is based on four pillars. First of all, institutional capacities of the VET sector shall be strengthened. Secondly, the provision of initial training (including dual VET) in selected sectors should be expanded. Furthermore, continuous VET offers and business development services are to be delivered in collaboration of the various institutions. The last pillar consists of the consolidation of the existing business sector structures (including Sector Skills Councils) to represent the interests of the private sector.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2019 -  2023


Moderation of a participatory strategic development process

#internationalcooperation #moderation #analysis #expertadvice #organisationaldevelopment
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In 2019, SWISSAID went through major internal changes, including changes in management and a new co-leadership of the Foundation Board. A central aspect was the collaboration between the Central Office in Switzerland and the Coordination Offices (BuCos), with particular attention paid to the autonomy granted to the BuCos. To draw up a strategic direction for the future, the organisation called on the organisational development services of KEK – CDC.

The process was resolutely participative, emphasising co-creation to enable the players involved to reach a consensual modus vivendi to which everyone could adhere. Inspired by the principles of sociocracy, a participatory mode of governance, the exercise began with a workshop involving all Head Office employees. This workshop provided an opportunity to reflect on collaboration between teams and to highlight the different forms of governance that exist within the organisation.

It also proved necessary to clarify the roles of the Board of Trustees and the SWISSAID executive, leading to a co-development workshop between the two bodies. After eight months of work, SWISSAID acquired a significant degree of autonomy and continued its organisational development within the organisation, even after the end of the mandate.
team  |  Niels Rump

Partner, Agronomist and Biologist

Niels Rump

+41 44 368 58 53


Master of Science in Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Science in Agronomy University of Algarve, Portugal
Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland   

Working Experience

Africa (Benin, Kenia, Mozambique) Asia (China) South-America (Brazil) Europe (Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and Portugal). 

Key Qualifications

  • Adult Training:

Training and coaching of trainers, coordination and designing of training programs, e-learning.

  • Facilitation & participative methods:

Training for facilitators with focus on group performance, strategies and methods, coaching and facilitation of large group events, e-facilitation of platforms and webinars.

  • Organisational development:

Consultancy, coaching and expertise, team coaching, traning and coaching for board members and leaders.

  • Rural extension and advisory:

Methodology, designing training concept, training and coaching of advisors.

  • Business Management:

Strategic planning, HR, marketing, trade logistics, quality management (ISO).

  • Project management:

Training and coaching of project managers, outcome mapping and outcome harvesting.


French, German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Niels Rump
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
2022 - 2023


Training on Youth Employment Promotion in Rural Areas

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With its professional expertise in the employment and education sector, KEK-CDC contributed key thematic inputs in GIZ’s online training offer on the topic of (youth) employment in rural areas. The online training is tailored according to the needs of GIZ staff invested in projects working in the field of youth employment and sustainable rural development, with a thematic focus on the Agri-Food-Sector.

In both, the English and French training sessions, KEK-CDC experts provided the audience with an overall introduction and statistical data on the characteristics and potentials of rural labour markets as well as of the Agri-Food System. Most importantly, these insights emphasized the role of the agricultural sector in local economies, the important role of women in agricultural sector and the volatility of agri-food export markets. Furthermore, specific rural employment challenges which need adequate solutions, based on a proper analysis of employment opportunities and risks were highlighted and discussed in group sessions.

The Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) hosts these online training sessions approximately every six months, welcoming external participants as well.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2019 - 2022

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

Study for the Design of an Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (Reactivate Sarajevo)

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Sarajevo is facing a key moment in its trajectory of urban growth and is in urgent need of innovative, integrated and sustainable approaches to urban development. 

Engaged in Sarajevo since late 2014, ETHZ has worked to establish a broader network of partners and knowledge on urban development across the Western Balkans. The planned Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS) builds on the past activities of ETHZ’s After the Scoping Study of ETHZ, SECO mandated KEK - CDC and ENOVA to support in the elaboration of a sound and comprehensive project document.  

The study included a stakeholder analysis and reviewed the overall project relevance, its components, their intervention logic and approach. The support contributed to a clarification of the outputs and roles of the various stakeholders and emphasised measures to enhance capacity development and policy dialogue. The final report can be found here.

As a subsequent mandate and based on the study findings, KEK – CDC coordinated the inception phase of the UTPS, working closely with Swiss and Bosnian partners such as ETHZ, Urbaplan, City of Zurich, ENOVA, and the Institute for Planning of Development in the Canton of Sarajevo.

The project summary developed in this mandate can be found here.
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2021 - 2022

Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)

Feasibility study to evaluate the new regulation of psychological psychotherapy

#health #analysis #expertadvice #evaluation
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On 1 July 2022, the new regulation of psychological psychotherapy (NPP) came into force: Licensed psychotherapists can independently bill the compulsory health insurance for their services on the basis of this regulation, if the treatment was ordered by an authorised doctor. The implementation and impact of the NPP is expected to be evaluated in the years 2024-2025.

In preparation for the evaluation, KEK – CDC in collaboration with the Institute of Political Science at the University of Zurich, was commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) to develop an impact model for the NPP.

The development of the impact model was based on a document analysis, interviews with key actors and two workshops with the FOPH's internal support group. The impact model is to serve as a basis for the future evaluation and for the conception of the NPP monitoring.

Report + impact model
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
2021 - 2022

DROSOS Foundation

Consultancy and process support in setting up a monitoring system in the thematic focus "Economic Self-Reliance" in the programme "Access to the World of Work"

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The DROSOS Foundation commissioned KEK – CDC in 2021 to accompany them in setting up a meaningful and flexible monitoring system (M&E Framework) in the thematic priority "Economic Self-Reliance" in the programme "Access to the World of Work". This included facilitation of the entire process, but also advice on M&E content and the use of the partner-centred Project Cycle Management (PCM) method Outcome Mapping. A major challenge in the process was to map the monitoring data through an IT-based M&E tool (Toladata), and to ensure the aggregation of the data and the reporting system of the different partner organisations.

Thanks to the fruitful cooperation between KEK – CDC, the DROSOS programme manager and the partner organisations, the M&E framework could be further developed in such a way that it can now be used for monitoring at outcome level and for steering the entire programme.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
2021 - 2022

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ 

Project planning: Strong businesses and communities for Moldova

#education #economy #governance
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The Republic of Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe. More than a quarter of the population lives below the absolute poverty line. The population has been shrinking drastically since 1992 as more and more young people seek prospects in Western Europe. In addition, there are widening regional disparities and a pronounced development gap between urban and rural communities. While the reform government elected in 2021 is pushing ahead with the process of rapprochement with the EU, the country is strongly marked by the consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine.

KEK - CDC in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team has planned a new project on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to create socio-economic perspectives for the Moldovan population. The project, financed by the German Federal Government, the EU and Switzerland, will on the one hand promote the citizen-oriented provision of basic services in rural communities and participatory and integrated urban development, and on the other hand contribute to the creation of new jobs in the Republic of Moldova through an interplay of improved vocational training, local economic development and investment promotion. A particular focus was put on the economic integration of disadvantaged population groups, especially Roma and Romnja.

As team leader, Roman Troxler coordinated the work of the five-member interdisciplinary review team in the field and was responsible for drafting the project documents for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on the one hand and for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) on the other. The final project brief can be found on the GIZ website.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2019 - 2022

Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt, Office for International Cooperation (OIC) on behalf of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) 

Strategic and technical backstopping for inclusive green growth in Egypt

#education #economy&employment #regionaldevelopment #expertadvice
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Aligned with the objectives stated in the Swiss Cooperation Strategy Egypt 2017 – 2020, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is contributing to inclusive sustainable economic growth and employment by supporting a project on Inclusive Green Growth in Egypt (IGGE) implemented by UNIDO and steered by the Swiss Office for International Cooperation in Egypt (OIC). 

KEK - CDC (in cooperation with mesopartner) works as strategical and technical backstopper to assist UNIDO in setting-up the project and implementation. Hereby, KEK  -CDC provides advisory support in the field of value chain and market systems development, labour market integration and disaster risk reduction. In addition, KEK - CDC will link the UNIDO team to the related thematic networks within SDC and therefore contribute to the institutional learning within SDC and advise IGGE UNIDO team on meaningful approaches and tools. 
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2020 - 2021
For several years, the GIZ (deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) has been implementing a program to strengthen police structures in Africa and thereby contribute to regional and national stability. The program is active in several countries, including Benin, where it aims to support the Beninese Republican Police and its Technical and Scientific Police Service.

KEK - CDC carried out on behalf of GIZ a diagnosis of the Technical and Scientific Police Service at institutional, functional and organizational level and proposed recommendations for improvement accompanied by an implementation plan. This work was carried out on the basis of a documentary review and a series of interviews with key actors at the level of the police, the judiciary as well as at the ministerial and political levels and with technical and financial partners. Feedback from various perspectives made it possible to analyze not only the Service, its infrastructure, its human resources and the work carried out, but also the context in which this Service is inserted and must serve.

On the basis of the proposals and recommendations made, the GIZ decided to continue its support in order to strengthen the knowledge, skills and internal procedures of the Technical and Scientific Police Service in identifications based on digital traces, examinations of disputed documents and analyses of digital traces. KEK - CDC in collaboration with the School of Criminal Sciences of the University of Lausanne developed training modules and coaching sessions which were then delivered remotely due to COVID-19 during the first quarter of 2021 and enabled the Service to develop a set of internal working procedures laying the foundations for a quality approach.

Have a look at the GIZ’s project description here.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard
2017 - 2021

Centre for development and cooperation NADEL ETH Zürich

NADEL ETH Zurich Course: VET between Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development

#education #expertadvice
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The NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation at ETH Zurich has been training individuals for careers in development and cooperation since the 1970s. It has an alumni network of over 1000 members based around the world, working in Swiss and international organizations. 

In recent years there has been increasing international interest in vocational education and training (VET). The discussion about the success factors of VET and the extent dual VET can offer advantages to developing countries is still ongoing. Switzerland, with its own unique and strong VET system has a long tradition of implementing VET in development countries. Franz Kehl, Prof. Markus Maurer from the University of Teacher Training of Zurich, and Dr. Rudolf Batliner from the NADEL lecture this course together.  

The course provides a systematic introduction into VET in development contexts. Participants strengthen their competence in VET portfolio management, VET and labour market policies.  
2016 - 2021
Skills for Jobs (S4J) is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Albania implemented by Swisscontact. 

S4J contributes to the development of Albania into a more competitive economy and socially inclusive society, by improving and increasing vocational skills development offers for un- and underemployed women and men in Albania, with a particular focus on youth, allowing them to find an attractive and decent job.  

Franz Kehl of KEK - CDC has co-designed the project on behalf of Swisscontact and acts as a strategic backstopper to the project. Thereby, he moderates annual review and planning meetings and provides regular guidance on key management and thematic issues such as dual VET or the engagement of the private sector on demand of the project.  

Within the framework of this project, numerous study trips were organised with the aim of getting to know the Swiss VET system and its actors. Important findings were then implemented in the S4J project adapted to the local context.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2014 - 2021


Strategic support of the Donor Committee for dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET)

#vocationaltraining #expertadvice 
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Vocational education and training (VET) has always been an important pillar in the development cooperation of Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Liechtenstein. VET projects and programs – including such with dual approaches – have been among the first projects in their development cooperation portfolios.

In order to make even better use of their experience and expertise in this area, the four countries founded the Donor Committee for dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET). KEK - CDC is a member of the consortium for the donor committee secretariat. Franz Kehl, Roman Troxler and Niels Rump act as key technical experts and facilitators for the DCdVET.

We support the strategic orientation and theme setting, contribute to thematic development, and facilitate exchange meetings.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
team  |  Niels Rump

Partner, Agronomist and Biologist

Niels Rump

+41 44 368 58 53


Master of Science in Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Science in Agronomy University of Algarve, Portugal
Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland   

Working Experience

Africa (Benin, Kenia, Mozambique) Asia (China) South-America (Brazil) Europe (Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and Portugal). 

Key Qualifications

  • Adult Training:

Training and coaching of trainers, coordination and designing of training programs, e-learning.

  • Facilitation & participative methods:

Training for facilitators with focus on group performance, strategies and methods, coaching and facilitation of large group events, e-facilitation of platforms and webinars.

  • Organisational development:

Consultancy, coaching and expertise, team coaching, traning and coaching for board members and leaders.

  • Rural extension and advisory:

Methodology, designing training concept, training and coaching of advisors.

  • Business Management:

Strategic planning, HR, marketing, trade logistics, quality management (ISO).

  • Project management:

Training and coaching of project managers, outcome mapping and outcome harvesting.


French, German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Niels Rump
2019 - 2020


Fachberatung für die Totalrevision der Berufsprüfung

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Die Berufsprüfung Fachfrau / Fachmann Interkulturelles Dolmetschen und Vermitteln mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis (IKDV) wurde zuletzt 2014 revidiert. Die dynamischen Entwicklungen im Berufsfeld und die teilweise kritischen Erfahrungen mit der neu eingeführten Struktur und Prüfung erfordern eine Anpassung der Grundlagen.  

Die schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft für interkulturelles Dolmetschen und Vermitteln INTEPRET und das Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI haben sich deshalb auf eine sog. Totalrevision geeinigt. Franz Kehl von KEK CDC wurde von INTERPRET beauftragt, diesens Prozess fachlich und methodisch zu begleiten. Ziel ist es, das Qualifizierungssystem im Bereich IKDV auf eine neue, tragfähige Basis zu stellen. Dazu wird ein strukturierter Analyse- und Entwicklungsprozess gepaart mit zentralen Entscheidfindungen der Trägerschaft durchgeführt.  

Resultat ist ein an den Bedürfnissen des Arbeitsmarktes orientiertes Qualifikationssystem im Bereich des interkulturellen Dolmetschens und Vermittelns.  
team  |  Niels Rump

Partner, Agronomist and Biologist

Niels Rump

+41 44 368 58 53


Master of Science in Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Science in Agronomy University of Algarve, Portugal
Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland   

Working Experience

Africa (Benin, Kenia, Mozambique) Asia (China) South-America (Brazil) Europe (Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and Portugal). 

Key Qualifications

  • Adult Training:

Training and coaching of trainers, coordination and designing of training programs, e-learning.

  • Facilitation & participative methods:

Training for facilitators with focus on group performance, strategies and methods, coaching and facilitation of large group events, e-facilitation of platforms and webinars.

  • Organisational development:

Consultancy, coaching and expertise, team coaching, traning and coaching for board members and leaders.

  • Rural extension and advisory:

Methodology, designing training concept, training and coaching of advisors.

  • Business Management:

Strategic planning, HR, marketing, trade logistics, quality management (ISO).

  • Project management:

Training and coaching of project managers, outcome mapping and outcome harvesting.


French, German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Niels Rump


Capitalization of Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship Project C4EE, Albania

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Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship C4EE is a project implemented by Swisscontact Albania together with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne HSLU and financed by the Medicor foundation. It aims at the employment of vulnerable and marginalized groups in Albania and Kosovo, e.g. Roma communities, and applies a specific approach that focuses on individual potentials and applies a group learning approach.  

As the project already started in 2010, was continually adapted during implementation and now comes to an end, KEK CDC was asked to support Swisscontact in the capitalization of experiences and lessons learned within the last ten years. The aim of the exercise is to reflect on tacit knowledge and to support the going global of Swisscontact with this particular approach within it’s development programme. To this purpose KEK CDC conducts documentation analysis,  interviews and workshops with experts and members of the project team, and produces a written capitalisation report together with the project team.  
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Apport à la finalisation juridique et rédactionnelle des statuts du Réseau de Police Scientifique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (REPSAO)

#security #expertadvice
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Suite à un processus consultatif intensif soutenu par la GIZ (deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) ainsi que de l’ONUDC, le Réseau de Police Scientifique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (REPSAO) a été établi en 2019 à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire par les institutions de polices techniques et scientifiques de plusieurs pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest.

Magali Bernard a été impliquée de longue date dans les échanges entre institutions de police technique et scientifique et laboratoires en Afrique de l’Ouest. KEK - CDC a été mandaté par la GIZ et a accompagné le secrétariat par interim du REPSAO dans le processus de finalisation de son statut en anglais, français et portugais. Ce travail s’est concentré sur le contenu et la cohérence juridique du texte dans une première phase puis les parties prenantes aux statuts ont été consultées et leurs retours reflétés dans les versions finales.

Ce statut finalisé dans les trois langues permettra au Réseau de débuter officiellement ses activités.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Projektplanung: Unterstützung von Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsverwaltung in Senegal

#employment #expertadvice
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Investitionen und Schaffung von menschenwürdiger Beschäftigung sind in Senegal durch ein veraltetes Arbeitsrecht, dessen uneinheitliche Anwendung sowie mangelhafte Transparenz und Effizienz in der Arbeitsverwaltung, behindert.

Die Modernisierung des Arbeitsrechts ist ein zentrales Ziel der im Rahmen der G20-Initiative Compact with Africa aufgesetzten Reformpartnerschaft zwischen Deutschland und Senegal zur Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für privatwirtschaftliches Engagement, nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung und die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und Einkommen.

Roman Troxler von KEK CDC wurde beauftragt, zusammen mit Fachexperten der GIZ ein Projektmodul für den Reformbereich Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsverwaltung im Senegal zu erarbeiten.

Das 2020 anlaufende Projekt fokussiert auf die Stärkung der Kapazitäten des Arbeitsministeriums zur Steuerung von Reformen, Prozessoptimierungen in den Arbeitsinspektionen, bedarfsorientierte Weiterbildung des Personals der Arbeitsverwaltung und last but not least die Stärkung der Kompetenzen von Arbeitsrichter-innen für eine transparentere Rechtsprechung.

team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)

Development of the impact model for the Federal Law on the Psychological Professions

#health #analysis #expertadvice #evaluation
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The Federal Law on the Psychology Professions (PsyG) entered into force on 1 April 2013. The PsyG aims both to protect public health and to protect against the deception and misleading of persons seeking services in the field of psychology. On behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), KEK - CDC and the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich (IPZ) have developed an impact model for the law and defined key indicators to serve as a basis for the evaluation of the law.

KEK - CDC and the IPZ conducted a document analysis, interviews with key actors and a workshop with stakeholders of the planned evaluation. At the request of the client, they developed a three-layer impact model: (1) an impact model of the PsyG illustrating the basic logic of the PsyG, (2) a detailed impact model concretizing the expected causal relations, and (3) an abstract impact model briefly provides a concise overview of the PsyG's mechanism.

Report + impact model
team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey
2019 - 2020

City of Zurich

External analysis and organisational development process of the City of Zurich's development cooperation funds

#internationalcooperation #expertadvice #strategydevelopment #organisationaldevelopment
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The realignment of the City of Zurich's development cooperation strategy is the consequence of the referendum of November 2019 with the decided increase of the annual award funds for projects to eight million Swiss francs. The Finance Department, which was responsible for development cooperation, reached organisational limits in terms of resources, know-how, organisational structure, processes and external communication with its previous allocation practice and mandated KEK – CDC for a technical analysis and a subsequent organisational development process.

The main objective of the technical analysis was to examine the organisation and allocation of funds in the field of development cooperation by the City of Zurich, and to suggest solutions for future design and allocation based on the new conditions. The methodology consisted of a document analysis of relevant guidelines, leaflets, award reports and application forms of the City of Zurich, semi-structured interviews with relevant actors, focus groups with recipients of contributions from the City of Zurich and a SWOT analysis. This also included a comparison with the City of Basel, the Lottery Fund of the Canton of Zurich and the Liechtenstein Development Service to gather different practices and experiences. KEK – CDC came to the conclusion that development cooperation should be transferred from the Department of Finance to the Department of the Presidency/City Development due to the diverse international relations and recommended to realign the area strategically, in terms of content and organisation with four concrete combinable award modalities.

In the follow-up mandate, KEK – CDC supported the City of Zurich through an organisational development process to develop the constitution and accompaniment of the realignment of development cooperation, which regulates the new award practice along the structure of the four proposed modalities. In this process, the project organisation was established and the new award practice defined in a participatory manner. KEK – CDC used instruments of coaching and project management and accompanied the City Development Department with regard to strategic decisions as well as the project team with regard to technical and organisational questions. This was achieved through regular exchanges and status reviews (feedback, amendments) as well as a flexible adaptation of the implementation plan to new circumstances.
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

SDG Lab via the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Support of SDG Lab in Results Based Monitoring and Project Cycle Management

#strategydevelopment #expertadvice
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The SDG Lab is a multi-stakeholder initiative located in Geneva. Its team contributes to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by collaborating with a diverse ecosystem of Civil society and NGOs, Academia, Corporates, Banks, United Nations and intergovernmental organizations together with their members states. 

KEK - CDC supported the SDG lab team in planning, developing and setting-up a theory of change and a results-based monitoring system. Due to COVID-19 this support was done through webinars, distance coaching and ad hoc consultations using a diverse range of teleconferencing tools. 

The support resulted in better explaining the dynamic Lab model and their expected results on behavioural changes of the stakeholders in the Geneva ecosystem in form of an updated Theory of Change. The monitoring plan aims to foster internal reflection and learning by better using the existing monitoring data.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz

DEZA, Division New Member States  
SEM, Abteilung Integration 

Mapping der schweizerischen Akteure im Bereich Migration und Integration für DEZA und SEM

#migration&integration #analysis #expertadvice
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Die Schweiz beabsichtigt, nach den positiven Erfahrungen des sogenannten Erweiterungsbeitrags, einen zweiten Beitrag an die EU zu Gunsten der ab 2004 zur EU gestossenen Länder zu finanzieren. Migration und Integration sind dabei gemäss der Botschaft des Bundesrats zum Kredit wichtige zu bearbeitende Themenfelder. Der zweite Beitrag soll überdies die Schweizer Expertise aktiv einbinden.

Zu diesem Zweck hat die DEZA KEK CDC damit beauftragt, ein Mapping der Schweizer Akteure im Bereich Migration und Integration zu machen und Sondierungsgespräche mit zentralen Akteuren zu führen. 
Auf der Basis des Mappings kann die DEZA die sSchweizerische Expertise in diesem Feld bereits in der Vorbereitung des zweiten Beitrags gezielt aktivieren und einbinden; dazu ist, angeregt durch das Mapping, eine Begleitgruppe installiert worden.  
2018 - 2019

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Discussion Paper "Build4Skills - Return on investment or an investment without return?"

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Build4Skills (B4S) is a joint initiative by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Asian Development Bank ADB. The initiative’s objective is to use the potential of infrastructure to enhance work-based learning on construction sites. The programme is piloted in Pakistan and Mongolia with its management based at GIZ Head-Office Bonn.

GIZ chose KEK-CDC to conduct a cost-benefit ratio analysis of in-company training in Pakistan with the aim to generate an advocacy tool for companies to consider institutionalizing in-company training. The programme’s long-term aspiration and vision is to establish TVET as a standard in [public] tendering processes.

The advocacy paper is published on the GIZ website. This with further digital tools will enable the provision of required data for more coherent and evidence-based policy making regarding TVET.

Project Management: Roman Troxler and Basil Schläpfer

Advocacy tool
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ 

Facilitation of Regional Workshop on Integrated Biodiversity Management for GIZ (South Caucasus)

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The biodiversity of the Caucasus is of global importance. Therefore, the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) implemented between 2015 and 2019 a programme on Integrated Biodiversity Management (IBiS).  

As the programme ended in 2019 and the new programme “Natural resource management and safeguarding of ecosystem services for sustainable rural development” ECOserve Project takes on, GIZ commissioned KEK - CDC to design and implement the annual workshop, uniting the IBiS-teams of the three countries with around 50 participants. Goal of the workshop was the identification of success stories, failures and lessons learnt during the implementation phase of IBiS programme. 

The lively exchange of the collaborators and the critical reflection on the achievements by the 3 country teams contributed to setting-up the operation of the succeeding ECOserve programme, as well as to the end-of-phase reporting to the German development cooperation. 
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz

Direction du développement et de la coopération DDC, Division Afrique de l’Ouest

Etude de faisabilité sur la poursuite du programme d’appui à la formation professionnelle duale au Sénégal

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Dans le cadre du sommet de la Francophonie à Dakar, en novembre 2014, un « Mémoire d’entente » a été signé entre la Confédération Suisse et la République du Sénégal, pour un partenariat en matière de formation professionnelle. 

La DDC a décidé de poursuivre le financement de cet appui suisse au Sénégal pour une période limitée, permettant d’assurer la durabilité du dispositif crée en coopération avec d’autres bailleurs qui s’engagent davantage dans le domaine.

KEK - CDC a été mandaté par la DDC pour conduire une étude de faisabilité. L’étude a pour but de soutenir la DDC dans l’évaluation de la poursuite du programme d’appui à la formation professionnelle duale au Sénégal.

L’étude élaborée par KEK - CDC a aidé à capitaliser les activités du programme, évalué les risques et les besoins et les conditions nécessaires pour la poursuite (phasing-out) du programme, ainsi que les potentiels de synergies et les aspects organisationnels.
team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Projektplanung: Beschäftigungsperspektiven in der digitalen Welt in Südafrika

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Hohe Arbeitslosigkeit, speziell bei Jugendlichen, prekäre Arbeitsverhältnisse und Unterbeschäftigung stellen die südafrikanische Gesellschaft vor grosse Herausforderungen. Die schwach entwickelten digitalen Kompetenzen von jungen Menschen, besonders von jungen Frauen, sind mit ursächlich für unzureichende Beschäftigungsperspektiven.

KEK - CDC hat die GIZ dabei unterstützt, das bestehende Programm berufliche Bildung in Südafrika weiterzuentwickeln. Ziel war es, die Beschäftigung junger Menschen, insbesondere von Frauen, in einer zunehmend digitalisierten Wirtschaft zu verbessern.

Das 2020 gestartete neue Projekt ist einerseits darauf ausgerichtet digitale Kompetenzen und Methoden in duale Ausbildungsgänge an ausgewählten TVET-Colleges zu integrieren und andererseits non-formale Weiterbildungsinitiativen für digitale Kompetenzen auszuweiten. Darauf aufbauend wird die datengetriebene Vernetzung zwischen staatlichen und nichtstaatlichen Akteuren inklusive der Privatwirtschaft gefördert.

team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler
2011 - 2019
The Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme (SRCP) has been part of the non-refundable aid offered by the Swiss Federal Council to 12 European member states who joined the EU between 2004 and 2007. Its main goals have been to reduce economic and social disparities between Romania and the more advanced countries of the European Union and between Romanian urban centres and structurally weak peripheral regions. 

KEK - CDC was mandated by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as leader of a consortium* for managing and administrating the two Thematic Funds: “Civil Society Participation” and “Partnership and Expert Fund”. The main goal of the former has been the promotion of active participation of Romanian civil society organisations in policy processes both as a voice of the civil society and as service providers whereas the purpose of the latter has been to strengthen Swiss-Romanian partnerships that are capable to address development challenges.  

In order to compile the achievements of the two Thematic Funds, a website was created with a catalogue of all 141 projects and video/visual products. By February 2018 all projects completed their implementation and closing events took place in Romania as well as in Switzerland. An external final evaluation concluded that the funds were successfully implemented and overall reached the outcomes, namely that citizens’ life changed positively and that the Civil Society’s voice in addressing policy change was strengthened. Yet, the impact at policy level was more difficult to assess. 

* Consortium formed by KEK - CDC, Civil Society Development Foundation and Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
2017 - 2018

Austrian Development Agency, Bureau de Coopération

Etude de la formation professionnelle duale au Burkina Faso

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La Coopération Autrichienne pour le développement CAD au Burkina Faso est un partenaire de longue date du gouvernement du Burkina Faso dans le domaine de la formation professionnelle. 

KEK - CDC a été chargé par la CAD de réaliser une étude afin d’appuyer le gouvernement et les partenaires burkinabés dans le développement de l’offre éducative pour les jeunes au Burkina Faso. L’étude a eu pour but de faire l’état de la formation duale au Burkina Faso et d’évaluer la possibilité de renforcement d’une telle approche.  

L’étude fournit une analyse de l’environnement et livre cinq pistes ou options stratégiques à suivre afin de permettre un engagement plus poussé du gouvernement burkinabè burkinabé et d’autres acteurs et parties prenantes intéressés au développement de la formation professionnelle duale au Burkina Faso.  

team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Projektplanung: Beschäftigungsförderung in ländlichen Regionen in Tunesien

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Tunesien leidet unter hoher Arbeitslosigkeit, insbesondere unter Jugendlichen, zugleich besteht ein Mangel an adäquat qualifizierten Fachkräften, insbesondere in den Sektoren Handwerk und Landwirtschaft.

Das Vorhaben „Beschäftigungsförderung in ländlichen Regionen“ der GIZ fokussiert darauf, mehr Menschen in ausgewählten ländlichen Regionen einen Zugang zu Qualifizierungs- und Arbeitsmarktdienstleistungen zu ermöglichen. Um zusätzliche Mittel des 2017 vom BMZ geschaffenen Programms „Perspektive Heimat“ nutzen zu können, sollte die Zielgruppe des Projekts auf RückkehrerInnen aus Deutschland und Drittländern ausgeweitet werden. Im Kontext dieser Aufstockung war eine erneute Prüfung des Projektdesigns notwendig, an der Roman Troxler von KEK - CDC sich als externer Experte beteiligte.

Die im Rahmen der Prüfmission gewonnen Erkenntnisse wurden in einem überarbeiteten Angebot ans BMZ (Projektdokument, Wirkungsmatrix) dokumentiert.

team  |  Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler

Roman Troxler


Unterstützung bei der Wissenskapitalisierung des MOLI Projects in Georgien

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Das MOLI-Projekt hat erfolgreich während 8 Jahren in der Region Kakheti im Osten Georgiens gearbeitet, um den Marktzugang von Kleinbauern für den besseren Absatz von Produkten aus der kleinbäuerlichen Viehwirtschaft zu verbessern.

KEK - CDC hat das Projekt am Ende der zweiten Phase bei der Wissenskapitalisierung unterstützt, um die konkreten Ergebnisse und Wirkungen der Implementierung gut darstellen zu können – und um das gesammelte Wissen an andere Organisationen weitergeben zu können.

Die Begleitung von KEK - CDC hat dazu beigetragen, dass das Projekt die Ergebnisse sowie die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse in mehrere Lernberichte, Broschüren sowie einen Videofilm überführt hat. Diese Dokumentation der Ergebnisse war insbesondere für die Wissensübergabe an die lokalen Organisationen (z.B. Dairy Association of Georgia, Association of Georgian Agricultural Journalists) von Bedeutung.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
2010 - 2017

Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA

Backstopping of regional development projects in the new EU states of Eastern Europe ("enlargement contribution")

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Mit dem Erweiterungsbeitrag beteiligte sich die Schweiz am Abbau der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Ungleichheiten in der erweiterten EU. Empfänger sind die zehn Staaten, die am 1. Mai 2004 der Europäischen Union beigetreten sind: die ehemals kommunistischen Länder Mitteleuropas (Polen, Ungarn, Tschechien, Slowakei, Slowenien) und des Baltikums (Estland, Lettland, Litauen) sowie Malta und Zypern.

Die Umsetzung des Erweiterungsbeitrags innerhalb der verfügbaren Zeit war eine Herausforderung sowohl für die Partnerländer wie auch die Schweiz. Aus diesem Grund hat die DEZA die Expertise von KEK - CDC beigezogen. Ziel war es, die diversen Regionalentwicklungsprojekte während der Projektidentifikation und -genehmigung sowie in der Projektumsetzung und -evaluation zu unterstützen.  

KEK - CDC mobilisierte ein Netzwerk von 15 Regionalentwicklungsspezialisten in der Schweiz und vor Ort, mit denen die Planung, Durchführung und Erfahrungskapitalisierung von rund 20 Regionalentwicklungsprojekten in der Tschechischen Republik, Ungarn, Polen und der Slowakei unterstützt wurde. Ein Schlussreview in Polen bilanzierte, dass die Projekte im Bereich Tourismus und bei landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten positive wirtschaftliche und institutionelle Impulse auf lokaler Ebene auslösten, und zwar komplementär zu den grossen EU finanzierten Regionalprogrammen. 

team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher