Migration and Integration

Migration and integration are two closely interwoven topics. They are both challenges and opportunities, globally as well as locally.
For a society to cohere, different population groups must be able to live together. This presupposes that everyone has a secure economic base, and the opportunity to participate in social life and in decisions made by society and in how it is shaped.

In Switzerland we work with authorities that regulate migration as well as with those that promote integration. These include, for example, the State Secretariat for Migration, cantonal migration authorities, integration departments and the Federal Migration Commission (EKM).

In international cooperation, we work with development partners on the national and international levels, for example with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).
2021 - 2022

State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)

reFRONT Project: Analysis of the collaboration of actors in the field of border control

#migration&integration #security #analysis #moderation
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The evaluation of the Integrated Border Management (IBM) 2012 and the development of the IBM 2027 strategy have shown that there is room for improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the forms and structures of cooperation between the Confederation and the cantons. The Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) and the Conference of the Directors of the Cantonal Departments of Justice and Police (CCDJP) have therefore launched a joint project called "reFRONT", which consists of four sub-projects: (1) Training, (2) Processes, infrastructure and technology, (3) Risk analysis, and (4) Policy and governance.

In collaboration with TC Consult, KEK - CDC accompanied the reFRONT project team and the main actors involved in the control of the external borders of the Schengen area in the analysis of the existing structures and processes and in the identification of the potential for improvement of the existing forms of collaboration. The accompanying work took place from September 2021 to June 2022 and was punctuated by workshops with key actors in the four sub-projects mentioned above. These collaborative workshops allowed for a joint reflection on the current situation, the challenges and opportunities encountered as well as to identify concrete initiatives for improvement.

On the basis of these workshops and an analysis of central documents, the consulting team prepared a final report in German, translated into French, detailing the results obtained. In addition to a brief analysis of the current situation and the identification of potential for improvement in support and governance processes, new forms of collaboration are highlighted and recommendations for their implementation are formulated.
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard

Council of Europe

Evaluation of the Intercultural Cities (ICC) programme of the Council of Europe

#integration #urbandevelopment #evaluation
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The Intercultural Cities (ICC) programme, implemented by the Council of Europe (CoE) since 2008, is a capacity-building programme that aims to support public authorities across Europe and beyond (156 member cities as of mid-2022) to devise integration and diversity management strategies, based on the mixing and interaction between people from different ethnic, religious and linguistic backgrounds, turning diversity into a steppingstone. In view of the continued growth of the ICC programme, the evolution of the intercultural integration concept, and the need to incorporate a multilevel governance dimension, the ICC Unit launched an evaluation with an emphasis on identifying areas for enhancement and fine-tuning of the programme.

The Council of Europe mandated KEK – CDC and Evalutility to conduct the evaluation of the ICC programme’s services and tools covering the period 2016 to 2022. The evaluation aims to assess the added value of the ICC programme and its services and tools as well as the programme’s influence on city policies and practices, including the sustainability of changes. The evaluation is formative and intended to be used by the ICC Unit in improving the programme.  

The evaluation is based on extensive desk research and secondary quantitative data analysis of the ICC programme, semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders at the CoE, ICC member cities, ICC national networks, civil society organisations and partner organisations, and a survey of ICC member cities.

The evaluation report, based on findings and conclusions, proposes six strategic recommendations and another 13 operational recommendations to the ICC Unit aimed at further improving and refining the ICC programme. These were presented during the ICC coordinators’ international meeting in Reggio Emilia, Italy in November 2022.

The outcome of this evaluation has prompted the ICC Team to take concrete steps in line with one of the primary recommendations (Link to the ICC’s management response): the establishment of an Advisory Group. In August 2023, the newly formed Advisory Group convened its inaugural meeting to deliberate on the initial set of evaluation recommendations. The discussions held during this session are expected to continue in the next scheduled meeting in November. The Advisory Group is poised to serve as a crucial conduit for strategic and operational counsel, thereby empowering member cities with a more influential role in the program's governance.

Link to the evaluation report
team  |  Magali Bernard

Partner, MSc

Magali Bernard

+41 44 368 58 50


MSc., School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Berne

Working Experience

Several years of working experience in multicultural, multidisciplinary and complex environments, on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes, in various countries and regions:
Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania), Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland

Area of Competency

  • Thematic areas:
Justice, Security, Rule of law, Human rights, Forensic sciences, Migration and Social integration.
  • Services:
Advisory services to public administration at national and local levels as well as to non-profit organisations, multilateral and bilateral agencies active in development cooperation, in particular:
institutional and capacity assessment; project / programme design and management; strategic planning and strategy development; evaluation of projects, programmes, public policies, strategies and institutions; mentoring institutions on quality assurance; facilitation of workshops and experts group meetings.


French, English, German
Magali Bernard
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2019 - 2022

Social department of the city of Zurich

External analysis of the Duttweiler Federal Asylum Centre in Zurich West

#migration #analysis
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In September 2019, the new Federal Asylum Centre in Zurich West (BAZ Duttweiler) was opened, offering accommodation and residence facilities for 360 asylum seekers for a maximum period of 25 years. The Federal State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) is responsible for the operation of the BAZ Duttweiler, which has commissioned the Asylum Organisation Zurich (AOZ) to manage the asylum seekers. After two years, an analysis was carried out by KEK – CDC, which collected detailed information about the operation and the environment.

KEK – CDC conducted an analysis of primary data, mainly through interviews and focus groups with stakeholders. Secondary data derived from statistical data of the SEM and the involved municipal offices were included. The views of external partners and residents of the Federal Asylum Centre were collected through interviews and, in some cases, focus groups. It was important to ensure a triangulation of perspectives during the analysis.

The products of the analysis work were an interim report and a 30-page final report, which described the operation of the BAZ Zurich, analysed the offers and situation outside the centre and explained the perception of how the BAZ operates. The report addressed to the municipal council served to describe the first experiences with the Federal Asylum Centre.
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2021 - 2022

Migros Culture Percentage

Experience capitalisation of conTAKT-museum

#migration&integration #moderation
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In 2018, Migros Culture Percentage launched the initiative and activities of conTAKT-museum with the aim of Swiss museums facilitating encounters between people with and without a refugee background, thus creating a welcoming culture.

To this end, conTAKT-museum worked with seven partner museums in German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino. In 2021, the programme came to a temporary end, as Migros Culture Percentage is implementing a new project in the field of migration due to an adjustment of its strategy.

At the end of the conTAKT-museum programme, KEK – CDC was commissioned to collect and document the experiences of the different museums in a participatory process. Together with representatives of the partner museums, the KEK – CDC team realised a process of participatory reflection and capitalisation of experiences. Through this process, the experiences in the individual museums were processed and meaningfully documented. Several workshops were held to reflect on what has been achieved, and a co-creative discussion took place on the challenges, approaches to solutions and success factors of the individual projects and the overarching approach. The results were recorded and published in a brochure.  You can find it under the following link (in German).
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
team  |  Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann

Marina Häusermann
2020 - 2021

Anlaufstelle Integration Aargau (AIA)

Accompaniment of an organisational development process at the Anlaufstelle Integration Aargau (Integration Contact Point Aargau)

#migration&integration #organisationaldevelopment
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The Integration Contact Point Aargau (Anlaufstelle Integration Aargau, AIA) is a non-profit association in Aarau. It sees itself as a point of contact and mediation for migrants and as a hub for integration-related questions and services. AIA is mainly financed by funds from the Canton of Aargau within the framework of the Cantonal Integration Programme and negotiates a new service agreement with the Canton every 3-4 years.

KEK – CDC, together with stichpunkt, facilitated a change process to accompany AIA on the topics of team development and structure as well as vision and strategy development with regard to the future strategic orientation of the association. Together with the AIA team, the strategic positioning of the agency was analysed and aligned with future needs, and the profile was sharpened accordingly. The external support made the relevant aspects of the centre's work visible through original methods in order to achieve concrete steps to optimise the day-to-day business and the organisational structure.
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz
2019 - 2020


Fachberatung für die Totalrevision der Berufsprüfung

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Die Berufsprüfung Fachfrau / Fachmann Interkulturelles Dolmetschen und Vermitteln mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis (IKDV) wurde zuletzt 2014 revidiert. Die dynamischen Entwicklungen im Berufsfeld und die teilweise kritischen Erfahrungen mit der neu eingeführten Struktur und Prüfung erfordern eine Anpassung der Grundlagen.  

Die schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft für interkulturelles Dolmetschen und Vermitteln INTEPRET und das Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI haben sich deshalb auf eine sog. Totalrevision geeinigt. Franz Kehl von KEK CDC wurde von INTERPRET beauftragt, diesens Prozess fachlich und methodisch zu begleiten. Ziel ist es, das Qualifizierungssystem im Bereich IKDV auf eine neue, tragfähige Basis zu stellen. Dazu wird ein strukturierter Analyse- und Entwicklungsprozess gepaart mit zentralen Entscheidfindungen der Trägerschaft durchgeführt.  

Resultat ist ein an den Bedürfnissen des Arbeitsmarktes orientiertes Qualifikationssystem im Bereich des interkulturellen Dolmetschens und Vermittelns.  
team  |  Niels Rump

Partner, Agronomist and Biologist

Niels Rump

+41 44 368 58 53


Master of Science in Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Master of Science in Agronomy University of Algarve, Portugal
Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland   

Working Experience

Africa (Benin, Kenia, Mozambique) Asia (China) South-America (Brazil) Europe (Albania, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and Portugal). 

Key Qualifications

  • Adult Training:

Training and coaching of trainers, coordination and designing of training programs, e-learning.

  • Facilitation & participative methods:

Training for facilitators with focus on group performance, strategies and methods, coaching and facilitation of large group events, e-facilitation of platforms and webinars.

  • Organisational development:

Consultancy, coaching and expertise, team coaching, traning and coaching for board members and leaders.

  • Rural extension and advisory:

Methodology, designing training concept, training and coaching of advisors.

  • Business Management:

Strategic planning, HR, marketing, trade logistics, quality management (ISO).

  • Project management:

Training and coaching of project managers, outcome mapping and outcome harvesting.


French, German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Niels Rump
Zahlreiche europäische Staaten stehen bei der Bewältigung der Migrationsbewegungen vor grossen Herausforderungen.  

Der 2. Erweiterungsbeitrag der Schweiz für die Neuen EU-Mitgliedstaaten beinhaltet einen Rahmenkredit «Migration», welcher dazu beitragen soll, das Migrationsmanagement in ausgewählten EU-Mitgliedstaaten zu stärken. Das Staatssekretariat für Migration SEM hat KEK-CDC damit beauftragt, das interne Projektteam zu coachen, damit für die Umsetzung des Rahmenkredits geeignete Strukturen und Abläufe geschaffen sind.  

KEK - CDC hat das SEM durch den Aufbau einer internen Projektstruktur für die Verwaltung des künftigen Rahmenkredits unterstützt. Das Coaching befähigte das SEM, die Prozesse, Kriterien und Instrumente für die Umsetzung des Kredits klar zu strukturieren und mögliche Probleme im Programmzyklus zu identifizieren und im Reglement mit Gegenmassnahmen zu beheben oder mindestens abzufedern. 
team  |  Dieter Zürcher

Partner, M. A. in Geography

Dieter Zürcher

+41 44 368 58 55


Licentiate in Geography at University of Zurich.

Areas of Competency

Knowledge Management, Organisation performance, Economic transformation, Rural development and income generation, Decentralisation and local governance, Migration, Sustainable development

Working Experience

Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tansania, Vietnam

Key Qualifications

Participatory conceptualisation of development cooperation projects and programmes with logical framework and result based management concepts, Project and programme management in an interdisciplinary environment, Evaluation and impact assessment of various projects and programmes for public authorities as well as NGOs quality management in development cooperation, Design and implementation of applied research projects, Moderation of groups and organisational development processes, Conceptualisation and delivery of various training courses (in Switzerland, developing and transition countries)


German, English, Spanish, French

Dieter Zürcher
team  |  Carsten Schulz

Managing Director, Partner, Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, MSc, MAS NADEL

Carsten Schulz

+41 44 368 58 54


Master of Advanced Studies in Development Cooperation (MAS ETH D&C) at NADEL, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Study of Forest Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Areas of Competency

  • Thematic:

Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, Income Generation, Private Sector-Development, Decentralization and Local Governance.

  • Methodic:

Project Management; Facilitation (incl. e-Facilitation); Planning, support and evaluation of projects; Coaching, Counselling and Organizational Development.

Working Experience

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Panama, Romania, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Key Qualifications

  • Project Management:

Proven management and leadership experience of managing projects in complex and intercultural situations, using a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • Facilitation:

Extensive experiences in workshop facilitation (face to face events, conferences up to 200 participants). Facilitation of e-discussions and animation of online networks.

Coaching, counseling and organizational development to organizations, project teams and individuals – including facilitation of team retreats and individual leadership coaching.

  • Knowledge Management:

Guiding knowledge sharing and learning processes; support and backstopping to thematic networks as well as to project teams and individuals. Capitalization of project experiences and results.

  • Training:

Conceptualizing, planning and conducting training courses (in an intercultural environment). Topics include all issues in the above mentioned competences as well as project cycle management, monitoring & evaluation.
Private Sector Development in rural development as well as natural resources management. Conceptualizing, planning and managing projects and programs using approaches such as value chain development or market systems development (e.g. M4P).


German, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Carsten Schulz

DEZA, Division New Member States  
SEM, Abteilung Integration 

Mapping der schweizerischen Akteure im Bereich Migration und Integration für DEZA und SEM

#migration&integration #analysis #expertadvice
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Die Schweiz beabsichtigt, nach den positiven Erfahrungen des sogenannten Erweiterungsbeitrags, einen zweiten Beitrag an die EU zu Gunsten der ab 2004 zur EU gestossenen Länder zu finanzieren. Migration und Integration sind dabei gemäss der Botschaft des Bundesrats zum Kredit wichtige zu bearbeitende Themenfelder. Der zweite Beitrag soll überdies die Schweizer Expertise aktiv einbinden.

Zu diesem Zweck hat die DEZA KEK CDC damit beauftragt, ein Mapping der Schweizer Akteure im Bereich Migration und Integration zu machen und Sondierungsgespräche mit zentralen Akteuren zu führen. 
Auf der Basis des Mappings kann die DEZA die sSchweizerische Expertise in diesem Feld bereits in der Vorbereitung des zweiten Beitrags gezielt aktivieren und einbinden; dazu ist, angeregt durch das Mapping, eine Begleitgruppe installiert worden.  
2017 - 2018

Staatssekretariat für Migration SEM

Evaluation of integrated border management

#migration #evaluation
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The "Integrated Border Management" strategy and the "Integrated Border Management 2014-2017" action plan have been used by the federal and cantonal authorities to jointly combat illegal migration and cross-border crime. At the same time, the strategy also serves to ensure smooth legal entry.

On behalf of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM), KEK - CDC in cooperation with TC Team Consult realized an evaluation, which provides a sound basis for the assessment of the elaboration, the implementation and the impact of the strategy and the action plan. The evaluation results and the resulting recommendations served the SEM and the extended 'Steering Group Border' to design the next strategy phase in the field of integrated border management.

team  |  Dr. Kathrin Frey

Partner, PhD in Political Science

Dr. Kathrin Frey


PhD in Political Science, University of Zurich
Licentiate in Political Science, Business and Economics, International Law, University of Zurich

Areas of Competency

Education, health (prevention and health promotion), evidence-based policy-making

Key Qualifications

Advisory services for public administration at the federal, cantonal and local level, and for non-profit organisation. Design and implementation of evaluations and analyses of measures, projects and programmes. Concept development and moderation of development processes. Design and implementation of workshops, training modules.


German, English, French
Dr. Kathrin Frey